When Prayers Aren’t Answered

The bible tells us ‘you do not have because you do not ask,’ James 4:2. But what about hen we have asked and still don’t see an answer? That has been my experience recently as I have battled with excruciating back pain over a number of weeks and it is still here. I’ve asked, and plenty of others have also asked on my behalf, so why isn’t God answering? I’m sure Paul must’ve asked the same question when he asked the Lord repeatedly for healing of whatever problem he had, 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. God chose not to answer by healing … Continue reading

Learn from the Past

Sometimes when we are struggling on our own prayer life, it can be helpful to look back over prayers in the bible. An example that is worth looking at is the prayer of Abraham in Genesis 18:23-33. Take time now to read this prayer. There are several things to notice about Abraham’s prayer. The first is that it is other person centered. Abraham was not seeking something for himself but for the city of Sodom, not all of the city but for the righteous within that city. God had revealed to Abraham what he intended to do, verse 17. We … Continue reading

When Obstacles Come

Obstacles can have one of two effects on a person. They can cause you to decide it’s all too hard and give up, or that can make you all the more determined to persevere. The reality is we are all going to experience obstacles in our Christian life. It might be people at church who are not welcoming and don’t seem to appreciate or even recognize your gifts. It might be a spouse who doesn’t want you to go to church. You have been praying for them for years but nothing seems to change. I know the experience of praying … Continue reading

When to Pray

When should you pray? On the health blog Stephanie suggested praying while walking on the treadmill. It’s a good idea. I have been known to pray while out walking along a beach or just around the neighborhood. Of course it’s important to keep eyes open but it does help to be focused. Often things you see while walking, prompt the mind about things to praise God for or bring other people into your mind as you pass their house, so you can then pray for them. While praying when out walking can be good, really there is nowhere that we … Continue reading

The Prayer That Never Fails

The prayer is ‘Thy will be done.’ Recently I came across this is a novel by Jan Karon. At the time it made sense and didn’t sound so hard. But then God, as He so often does, made me put it into practice. In our family a situation occurred where this was tested to the limit. I spent a lot of time pleading, cajoling, arguing and trying to convince the Lord to answer my prayer the way I wanted Him to. I found endless reasons why it would be better for everyone the way I suggested. In the end I … Continue reading

How God Answers Prayer.

I’m going to take a break from the blogs on anger, to share something of how God has been at work getting me back on track. Lately I have been ignoring my poetry in favor of other forms of writing. Then I received a new poetry book, ‘Two Kinds of Silence’ by Tasmanian poet Kathryn Lomer. I’m looking forward to reviewing it. ‘I really should get back to writing poetry,’ the thought flitted through my mind. That day and the next I wrote and send off a batch of poems for children. A day or so later I received ‘Studio … Continue reading

Prayers or Not?

Like many people I have online friends and spend a fair amount of time online. But isn’t it a sad comment on our society to have a site called Dear-God.net, devoted to apparently allowing people to post their prayers on line? I had not heard of it, till last week our local paper ran an article about this online site. The non denominational site is a place where it seems people can post their prayers and an appropriate picture if they like to show how they are feeling. Other people can and do respond to the posts. Other people might … Continue reading

Unspoken But Not Unheard

We shouldn’t be amazed at the way God works, but sometimes I still am, especially when God even answers the unspoken desires of my heart. I don’t mean the world shattering answers to prayer, in the major issues in life, although that’s great too. But also when God acts in the little, seemingly inconsequential, details of life. My blog today gives an example. Since I am still relatively new at choir, last week I was asked to pick a favorite song for us to sing. I picked ‘Climb Every Mountain.’ Afterwards, I wished I could have had two choices. My … Continue reading

Trusting the Lord

One of the most difficult things to do is to trust in the Lord. I find this especially difficult because I also feel that I should try to do all that I can to help things to change. Sometimes we need to do something to work towards the answers. However there are times, when no matter what we do, we do not have the ability to help our prayers be answered. These times are when it takes the most trust in the Lord. When I experience a time like this in my life, I find that I am praying much … Continue reading

General Conference: “Claim the Exceedingly Great and Precious Promises”

In his talk “Claim the Exceedingly Great and Precious Promises” Elder Spencer J Conde speaks about the importance of keeping an eternal perspective in this life. Elder Conde opens his talk by briefly speaking about the importance of faith. He emphasizes the importance of having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Elder Conde points out that one promise is forgiveness. To obtain the full blessings of this promise, we need to forsake our sins and repent. We are also promised to have our prayers answered, as we ask in faith. As we fast we can obtain promises of having the … Continue reading