The Mormon Mom Blog Squad

There really could be a squad for all the Mormon Mommy Bloggers out there. Actually, it would be more like an army, not a squadron. But, that’s beside the point. I recently wrote an article titled, Mormon Mommy Blogs, that talks about the obsession with these blogs. I have to admit, I’m part of that obsession. Sometimes, I find myself looking at these blogs and my head is spinning. After all, I’m a MM Blogger too. I don’t have advertising, and sponsors, and loads of followers. I secretly might want all of that though. I don’t know, maybe I don’t. … Continue reading

Do You Believe in Miracles?

I have been loving studying the New Testament this year in Sunday School. There is nothing better than reading about Christ’s life. This past week, we talked about some of the miracles He performed while on this earth, and the lessons we can learn by applying the principles from these miracles in our lives. First, we discussed the reasons why Christ performed miracles. There were three reasons: * To build the faith of others * Compassion He felt towards others * To show His power Every miracle in the new testament can be categorized into one of those three reasons. … Continue reading

Fitness Facts: Fructose and Fasting

The next time you are at the supermarket consider leaving the apple and orange juice on the shelf. New research says that fructose found in fruit juices and other processed foods makes you fat. New studies show that fructose dramatically enhances ipogenesis, the process by which the body converts sugar into fat. One particular study found that people who consumed a breakfast drink, which contained high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), produced double the body fat in the four-hour period that followed than those who consumed a glucose-only beverage. For those of you who have considered fasting to shed unwanted pounds (perhaps … Continue reading

Have You Thought of Fasting?

Are you looking for an answer to a specific question? Do you want to find peace in your hectic life? Does your daily personal prayer and scripture study seem a bit sluggish? Have you considered fasting as a way to improve your spiritual clarity? Fasting really is a blessing, a chance that we have to bring our spiritual side into sharper focus. When we are looking for an answer to a problem, praying for someone else or looking for a way to increase our spirituality, fasting can help us do all of those things. Often people fail to realize that … Continue reading

Fasting with a Purpose

Fasting each month is a way that each member can improve his spirituality. One thing that helps to make fasting more effective is to have a purpose while fasting. This helps you to focus your prayers and your thoughts while fasting. It can also help you listen to the Spirit for guidance. Here are four ideas on topics that you may consider making the focus of your fast. 1) You can fast to receive guidance and/or help for a problem that you are facing. This could be with your job, finances, a relationship or concern for a child. Many of … Continue reading

Are You Unable to Fast?

There may be a time when you are not able to fast. This could be for medical reasons or because you are pregnant or nursing. You may also want to teach your younger children the concept of fasting, but feel that they are too young to go without food. When I can not physically fast (it has been four years due to pregnancy, nursing, pregnancy and nursing again), I try to have the spirit of fasting on fast day. Here are the five things that work for me. 1) I begin my fast period with a prayer, just as though … Continue reading

When is Mother’s Day Celebrated?

What day do you celebrate Mother’s Day? The answer to that question depends upon where in the world you live. Or, it could be based on where your mother is currently living. Many countries celebrate Mother’s Day but not all of them do it on the same day. This presents a dilemma for families who have relatives in more than one country. How do you know which Mother’s Day to celebrate? Do you use the one that matches with the country your mother lives in? What if that date isn’t the same one where you live? Mother’s Day is celebrated … Continue reading

The Importance of Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gets your metabolism going. A healthy nutrient dense breakfast should maintain your blood sugar until lunch. Skipping breakfast seems to be a common practice these days but it’s not a very healthy one. On the other hand eating empty calories (foods with little to no nutritional value) is equally problematic. Since our bodies need 6-10 hours of sleep every night and since it’s not recommended for the average person to eat past 9PM, our bodies have been fasting and conserving energy for several hours. Breakfast is what wakes up the … Continue reading

Memorize Scriptures

When was the last time you memorized a scripture? For me, I know exactly when it was. It was on my mission. I’ve been home for almost 11 years now. In Sunday school this past week, the teacher gave us a challenge. We were talking about Christ being tempted by Satan after he had been fasting 40 days and 40 nights. We were talking about how he was tempted with every type of temptation that we face in this life. The physical temptations, the pride, and the temptation of power. Each of our temptations in this life can be placed … Continue reading

Tips for Surviving Fast Sunday

Fast Sunday is coming up soon, the day that elicits more groans and complaints than any other day the rest of the month. Here are some tips that might help you make it through the day. 1. Choose a specific thing or person to fast for. If you focus on that person and their needs and what you hope will happen for them, or on the thing you need in your own life, you’re more likely to stay on task and be more committed to the fast you’ve undertaken. If you don’t have a specific purpose in your fast, you’re … Continue reading