Young Mothers: Pray, Study and Teach the Gospel

In conclusion of the young mothers series based on “Daughters of God” Elder Ballard’s final point for mothers was to pray, study and teach the gospel. When we think about the importance of families in the plan of salvation, we realize the importance that this final counsel really has. It is essential that we take the time to teach the gospel to our children, and that we strengthen our own testimonies. It is important to regularly study the scriptures and to pray. A mother’s testimony and beliefs will be passed on to her children. If you want your children to … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: What is a Patriarchal Blessing?

Back in ancient days, there were patriarchs ordained to give blessings to the faithful who desired to know God’s will for them. One such patriarch was Samuel. We read his story in 1 Samuel chapter 16. The Lord told him to look amongst the sons of Jesse for the next king, but he should not look upon the outer appearance, but on the heart. Jesse brought his sons before Samuel, and he sensed that none of them were right. He asked Jesse if there wasn’t one more son, and Jesse explained that his youngest was out with the flocks. Samuel … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: Do Mormons Take Communion?

The taking of communion is a long-standing tradition in the Christian faith. It symbolizes taking upon oneself Christ’s sacrifice in our behalf and accepting the blessings and responsibilities that go along with it. The Catholic church is perhaps the most well-known for this practice, although it is done in other churches as well. Mormons have their own version of communion. We call it “taking the sacrament.” Fully one-third of our Sunday services are spent in what we call “sacrament meeting,” wherein the sacrament is passed to the congregation. It begins with bread and water being brought out and prepared for … Continue reading

Visiting Teaching Message: Jesus Christ Taught the Purpose of Life on Earth

Our visiting teaching message for the month of January is entitled, “Jesus Christ Taught the Purpose of Life on Earth.” Through the quotes of President Spencer W. Kimball, President Ezra Taft Benson, and Julie B. Beck, we learn more about this. From Spencer W. Kimball, we learn that man was sent to earth to experience all that it meant to be mortal, which is the intermediate step between premortal life and immortality. Because Adam and Eve partook of the fruit in the Garden of Eden, we all became subject to spiritual and mortal death. When Christ came and atoned for … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: What is the Purpose of Life?

The question is often raised, “What is the purpose of life? Why are we here?” As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we don’t believe that we are here randomly, through some sort of scientific anomaly. We believe that we were created by a loving Heavenly Father who sent us to earth to try and test us to see if we will prove worthy to attain the glory He has. In the Book of Abraham, in the Pearl of Great Price (which came from papyrus found in the 1800s) we read of the pre-existence, where we … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: What Are Temples?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has built over a hundred beautiful temples all around the world. With spires reaching toward the heavens, these buildings look like mighty cathedrals. What is the purpose of the temple? The temple is a holy place where the Spirit of God feels free to dwell. Only the finest materials are used in the construction. The building is dedicated to the worship of God, and while there, patrons make promises to Heavenly Father and renew the promises they’ve already made. A feeling of peace pervades the atmosphere as the patrons put aside their … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: Troubleshoot Your Problems

Family home evening and family council are designed to help you bring more focus in your family life. At times it may feel like you are just going through the motions to meet each week as a family with family home evening or that your family council meetings are not as effective as you would like them to be. It is important to make the most of the time that you have together as a family. If you feel that your family home evenings are not effective ask yourself these five questions, and you will likely find yourself back on … Continue reading

What’s Wrong with Mormons? — B. Jay Gladwell

I was born and raised in the Church and I’ve never doubted the teachings, although I do believe that we all go through a conversion process, born in the Church or not. I went through mine in bits and spurts during my teenage years and now, as an adult (and not so much a teenager anymore) my testimony is strong and I enjoy a close relationship with my Heavenly Father. But when asked to explain these thoughts and feelings to someone who doesn’t understand where I’m coming from, I have a tendency to choke up, especially when it comes to … Continue reading

Visiting Teaching Message: “All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God”

Our Visiting Teaching Message for the month of July is entitled, “All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God.” We are reminded that in the Book of Moses, we were taught that God created all men in His image, and that He created them to be male and female. President Gordon B. Hinckley taught that our bodies are sacred, and they are wonderful creations, God’s masterpiece. No camera can compete with the eye, and no pump has ever been designed that could replace a heart. Every part of our body is a testament to God’s genius. From President … Continue reading

The Journey – J. Adams

“The Journey” by J. Adams is a young adult fantasy novel that tells the story of the preexistence and our lives here on Earth. We meet Ciran, a young woman who was raised in a beautiful land named Krisandor. She has an adoring father who wants nothing but the best for her, and a brother, Sakriel, who would do anything for her. But those who live in Krisandor must go on a journey and earn their way back to the kingdom. Many have been sent out, but only a few will come back. Ciran learns that choices must be made, … Continue reading