Gospel Doctrine: Bowed and Infirm

As we study Luke 13:10-17 for lesson 10 this week, we find ourselves again looking at the Sabbath day. This time, the Savior has healed a woman on the Sabbath, and received criticism from the ruler of the synagogue. Since yesterday we looked at the idea of keeping the Sabbath, I would like to turn our attention today towards the crippled woman herself. The woman in the synagogue was “bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself.” I wonder sometimes about us. Aren’t there days when you feel bowed down and crushed under by the weight of your … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Bringing Friends to Christ

We have already studied much of the second chapter of Mark reviewed as part of lesson 7. However, as I read, I was touched by the role of the friends of the palsied man. Though they are rarely discussed, they seem like four men worthy of emulation. When Christ returned to Capernum, a multitude of people gathered in his home to hear Him preach and minister. Among those wishing to be included were four men bearing a palsied fifth on a litter. When they could not get through because of the crowd, they climbed on the roof and lowered their … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Great Physician

Preparing for Sunday’s lesson, I read the remainder of Luke 5. Several things that stood out to me, but I’d like to focus today on the need for a physician. Christ, of course, is the great and eternal physician, and while He healed many physical ailments, He primarily heals the soul. The discussion begins because Christ interacts with the publican, Levi. When He beckons the man to “Follow me”, Levi demonstrates the faith of the disciples: “he left all, rose up, and followed him” (verse 28). Thus we see this was a man of great faith who had been touched … Continue reading