Gospel Doctrine: Deathbed Repentance

Perhaps one of the most misunderstood quotes in scripture comes in Luke 23:43. As Jesus hangs on the cross, a thief also hangs to his side, acknowledging that his punishment is just while the Savior has done no wrong. Jesus then answers, “To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” So many have taken to heart the possibility that a deathbed repentance will lead to eternal glory, but this is not so. According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the aforementioned phrase meant that the Savior and the thief would be in the world of spirits that very day. At … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Lead, Kindly Light

The parable of the virgins, given in Matthew 25, is one that most of us are familiar with. President Harold B. Lee has taught us that all ten of the virgins represent members of the church; President Spencer W. Kimball, that the oil in our lamps are acts of a spiritual nature that we perform to prepare ourselves for the Lord’s return. I’d like to elaborate a little bit on what we learned from President Kimball, in relation to a scripture found in Luke. Luke 12:35 bids us to “let your…lights (be) burning.” We also read in Matthew 5:14,16 that … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Because of the Simpleness of the Way

One of the most puzzling stories I ever read in the Old Testament was the story of the fiery serpents sent among the Israelites. To be bitten by one of these snakes was certain death. Through the prophet Moses, God sent a way for His followers to be healed. Moses erected a bronze serpent and hung it high, where all the people could see it throughout the camp. Those who would turn their eyes to the serpent would be healed. To my disbelief, there were many who refused to look, because the way was too simple. (1 Nephi 17:41) Instead, … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Testifying of Christ

As I studied Luke 2:15-39 this morning, I was touched by the number of witnesses proclaimed the divinity of the infant Christ. I examined the actions of the shepherds, Simeon, and Anna, all of whom recognized in the babe His true identity. I then pondered how I could and should be like them. The shepherds were the first group I encountered in today’s scripture study. Having been persuaded by the visitation of the Heavenly Host, they decided to go to Bethlehem immediately to see these things for themselves. I love the way the scriptures describe their actions – “they came … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Gospel Light the World Did Not Comprehend

One of the things I really love about breaking down the Sunday School scripture study is that it means I can really take the time to relish and pursue different avenues of exploration, rather than simply reading the lesson. When I have several days to read a few chapters or verses, I can involve myself in the footnotes and other resources that I might have available. The down side, of course, is that I only get through a handful of verses at a time, but hey, you can’t have everything. Today, it took me pretty much my whole 30 minutes … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Christ’s Eternal Mission

As I prepare for Sunday’s classes, I try to break each lesson down into smaller parts and study it throughout the week. This helps me to ponder the various parts of each lesson more fully, and to do more in-depth study of each section. It also makes the larger parts easier to handle. For today’s scripture study, I tried to tackle John 1:1-14. Because we are once again on the road, I was able to make it through the first four verses in depth while still in the car before finally surrendering to the fantastic combination of motion sickness and … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: A Light to Darkness

As I prepare for Sunday’s classes, I try to break each lesson down into smaller parts and study it throughout the week. This helps me to ponder the various parts of each lesson more fully, and to do more in-depth study of each section. It also makes the larger parts easier to handle. The first two scriptures I found in the first Sunday School lesson of the new year gives me an overview of Christ’s life and mission. What a way to start the new year and a new way to study! Isaiah 61:1-3 was a quote that Christ actually … Continue reading

What’s Wrong with Mormons? — B. Jay Gladwell

I was born and raised in the Church and I’ve never doubted the teachings, although I do believe that we all go through a conversion process, born in the Church or not. I went through mine in bits and spurts during my teenage years and now, as an adult (and not so much a teenager anymore) my testimony is strong and I enjoy a close relationship with my Heavenly Father. But when asked to explain these thoughts and feelings to someone who doesn’t understand where I’m coming from, I have a tendency to choke up, especially when it comes to … Continue reading

Fishers of Men: What Are Our Nets?

When Jesus sought out His disciples, He told the men who had previously been working as fishermen that He would make them fishers of men, meaning that He would teach them how to gather men into His fold. We have also been asked to be fishers of men in our own time and in our own lands. As we tell others about the gospel, we act as fishers of men, inviting them to step into Christ’s net and be gathered up with those He calls His. But as we seek to share the gospel with others, what nets are we … Continue reading

Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 12:1-10

Nephi is caught up in the vision being shown him by the angel of the Lord. He has seen many things about the coming forth of the Savior, and now he will see things relating to the futures of his descendants and that of his brothers’. 1. And it came to pass that the angel said unto me: Look, and behold thy seed, and also the seed of thy brethren. And I looked and beheld the land of promise; and I beheld multitudes of people, yea, even as it were in number as many as the sand of the sea. … Continue reading