Teaching the Gospel: Focusing on the Doctrine

When we teach the gospel, whether it is at home or at church, it is important that we focus on teaching the doctrine. As teachers at church, it is especially important that we cover the materials outlined in the manuals. It has been written and planned on the direction of divine revelation. As teachers it may be difficult to discuss all the points in the lesson, and so it is important to pray about the topics, which are most important to cover. The answer will come as you consider the needs of your students. It is also important that we … Continue reading

Gospel Questions—Why Do We Have the Doctrine and Covenants?

My nonmember friend asked me: Why does every Prophet change or add to the rules? I thought everything I needed to know was in the Bible and the Book of Mormon, but then I found out about the Doctrine and Covenants. That’s a BIG book of additional teachings. One of the things I love so much about the Gospel is the fact that we have a prophet living on the earth today. This means we are privileged to have continuing revelation. I’m reminded of the scripture in 1 Corinthians 3:2 which reads: “I have fed you with milk and not … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “O How Great the Goodness of Our God”

I apologize for the delay in bringing you the Gospel Doctrine lessons for the last several weeks. We’ve been unable to attend church, due to illness, and I’m just getting caught up now. Our recommended reading for this lesson is: 2 Nephi 6-10 Also: 2 Nephi 9:10, 9:14, 9:18, 9:28, 9:39, 9:51. Jacob, one of Nephi’s younger brothers, became a great prophet as he followed in the footsteps of his father and brother. Throughout 2 Nephi and in the Book of Jacob, we see him give several heartfelt discourses on the plan of salvation. In 2 Nephi chapters 6-10, our … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: Do Mormons Think They Have the Only True Church?

I do like to ask and answer the hard questions, don’t I? Well, this one is definitely a hotbed of debate. One of the concerns that people of other religions have about the LDS Church is that we seem to think we’re the only true church. Let me shed just a little more light on this. When Jesus Christ was on the earth, He set up His church the way He wanted it to be run. He had apostles, prophets, ordinances, the sacrament, priesthood authority, and He showed His disciples how to use all of them. When He died, and … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: What Do Mormons Believe about Death?

Death is a sorrow that will come to all of us. We lose our grandparents, our parents, sometimes a child. We may lose a spouse before we are ready to let them go. The human body is frail and can only remain with us for a short time. It’s hard to let go of someone we loved so dearly. However, there is hope and peace that comes through knowing and understanding the principle of life after death. We believe that when a person dies, they do not cease to exist, but that their spirit rises up to dwell with Heavenly … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “Hearken to the Truth, and Give Heed unto It”

Our Gospel Doctrine lesson last week was entitled “Hearken to the Truth, and Give Heed unto It.” The scripture references are: 1 Nephi 16-22 1 Nephi 3:7 1 Nephi 17:3 Doctrine and Covenants 82:10 Doctrine and Covenants 130:20-21 Abraham 3:25 This lesson focuses on the importance of listening to the commandments and obeying them. To truly listen, we have to put aside our pride and be willing to accept whatever we hear. We can’t be quiet just long enough to formulate our comeback; we must truly be willing to listen. Giving heed means to do the things that have been … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Things I Saw While I Was Carried Away in the Spirit

Our Gospel Doctrine lesson for last week focused on chapters 12-14 of the Book of Mormon, which is the record of the vision Nephi had when he inquired of the Lord to know the meaning of his father’s dream. Chapter twelve specifically deals with the symbolism found in the vision of the Tree of Life, which we know is an allegory of the importance of holding on to the word of God and coming unto Christ, ignoring the pressures of the world and the temptations that swirl up to pull us off the path. In chapter thirteen, we see that … Continue reading

Life is Easy – I Just Decide It’s Hard – Gary G. Taylor

When I first picked this book up, I thought, from the title, that I was in for page after page of Pollyanna-type positive mental attitude. One of my least favorite sayings is, “Happiness is a choice,” which is true, but when you’re unhappy, you don’t want to hear it. I was afraid this book would be a never-ending list of reasons why my happiness is up to me. I misjudged it. “Life is Easy—I Just Decide It’s Hard” is actually a wonderful book which takes the scriptures and helps us understand how we can overcome some of life’s most insidious … Continue reading

Latter-day Saint Heroes and Heroines – Marlene Bateman Sullivan

What are you willing to sacrifice for your faith in Jesus Christ? What are you willing to do to stand firm in your testimony of the restored gospel? I just finished a remarkable book. Titled “Latter-day Saint Heroes and Heroines” and subtitled “Stories of Courageous Saints around the World,” it’s a compilation of stories about men and women who held strong to their faith under the most horrifying of circumstances. Many of these stories gave me chills, some of them made me cry, and every one of them caused me to stop and think. How strong is my testimony? If … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Pure Religion

The lesson this week was taken from the book of James in the Bible and is focused on the topic of pure religion as defined in James 1:27: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. When we read the part about visiting the fatherless and the widows, this of course brings to mind the qualities of charity and compassion. This is pure religion indeed, to be the hands of the Lord on earth, to serve them as He would … Continue reading