Gone in a Flash

Do you ever look at your child and marvel at their innocence? Do you wonder how fast the time has gone since they were babies? I do all the time. I think it’s a natural part of parenting. Yet, we often want them to grow up. I don’t know how many times I’ve thought, “Oh I can’t wait until he can walk” or “I can’t wait until she is school” or “I can’t wait until they can fix their own lunch” I say these things all. the. time. We love our kids, but raising little ones is hard. It’s time … Continue reading

Mommy Blog Bashers

Have you ever considered that you could be helping a struggling single mom of four young children make ends meet each time you click on a link that leads to her blog? Earlier this year Oprah Winfrey devoted an entire show to the “Secret Lives of Moms.” It featured an audience full of women drooling at the chance to discuss the joys and pitfalls associated with raising the next generation. A portion of the episode spoke to a “new” kind of motherhood, in which women no longer suffer in silence about negative parenting experiences, mistakes and lack of maternal instincts. … Continue reading

Ask the Blogger: Magnets and Computers

I recently received the following question from a reader. “I want to dispose of my computer, but I am worried that someone might be able to find my personal information on the computer if I donate it or throw it out. I heard that sticking a magnet on the hard drive will erase any data. Is this true?” Dear Reader, While it is true that magnets can be used to erase a hard drive, just any old household magnet won’t do the job. The only magnets that are powerful enough for such a task as usually found in laboratories or … Continue reading

Take Control Of Light With Fill Flash

With camera technology today automation simplifies taking pictures. And in most situations letting your camera control all the settings you will get fantastic photos in return. Automatic settings are great partly because I am lazy and don’t want to mess with shutter speeds, aperture sizes, focusing and lighting control. Or I am in a hurry and just want to point, shoot and get the photo before the moment is gone. However there are times when you need to take more control over you camera. Learning to control light through aperture settings is not complicated but there is another very simple … Continue reading

Saving Babies from the Storm

Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast of the United States and caused much damage. Images of the destruction are all over the internet. In the midst of the flooding, New York hospital workers safely evacuated four newborns who were on ventilators. Hurricane Sandy, (which was also called a “Frankenstorm”), hit the Eastern Coast of the United States this week. It caused flooding, power outages, destruction, and deaths. Photos of the damage have been passed around the internet. The storm caused damage at the NYU Langone Medical Center. Between 7:00 and 7:45 in the evening on Monday, October 29, 2012, the … Continue reading

High-Tech Tool to Keep Trick-or-Treaters Safe

Long before Colorado authorities discovered the mutilated remains of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway in an open field, and New Jersey investigators found 12-year-old Autumn Pasquale’s body dumped in a recycling container, I never considered allowing my 8-year-old daughter to trick-or-treat alone… or even with a group of friends. In Jessica’s case, she was snatched earlier this month while making the 1,000-foot walk to her school. Late Tuesday, 17-year-old Austin Reed Sigg was arrested and charged with her horrific death. Meanwhile, in New Jersey, police recently arrested 15-year-old Justin Robinson and his 17-year-old brother for allegedly murdering Autumn in order to obtain … Continue reading

Need A Spiritual Boost?

I have spoken before about my experience attending Time Out for Women a few years ago. It is a great way to re-charge spiritually and get that extra boost you need to continue on your way at being a better mom, wife, and daughter of God. I loved the talks, and treasure the notes I took during them. I read them every once in a while to remember the spiritual thoughts I had during those talks. I especially loved hearing Hillary Weeks. One of my favorite LDS artists. But, we can’t always make it to TOFW can we? Well, I … Continue reading

Happy Kids

Yesterday I was in a funk of a day. I had not gotten enough sleep the night before, which always leads to me dragging all day long. I find that I struggle more with my responsibilities as a mother when I feel this way. I want to be lazy, I am not as patient, I feel bad for not keeping my kids engaged in something worthwhile. Unfortunately, I like to believe that every mother has a day or two like this now and then. We are not perfect as mothers. Some days, our kids watch a lot of TV. That … Continue reading

Romney and Obama Have Different Family Stories

Genealogy is the study of family. This includes research that involves digging through archives, both digital and paper. It also involves the collection of family stories. Often, those stories tell more about a person’s family tree than the vital records will. Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have videos that are vastly different from each other. Each one speaks volumes. Technology is a wonderful thing. Genealogists can now take videos of their family, and send it to relatives that live across the country or around the world. You can take old family photos and create slide shows from them. Genealogists today … Continue reading

Get Outside

Our children are at risk of obesity along with a whole range of health problems simply because spending time outside is no longer a parental priority. When I was growing up, we were outside, coming in only for meals. There were lots of neighbor kids to play with and because most of our mothers were home during the day, no one really worried about us. My mother knew if she couldn’t see me one of the neighbors could. I remember my grandmother saying “Go outside, get the stink blown off of you.” That was her way of saying it was … Continue reading