It Is All About Saving Not Sacrificing

I had a bit of a let down this week. My kids have been wanting a certain piece of furniture, one of those Love Sac things that is part chair and part trampoline. Their cousins have one, as do a number of their friends. So, we dutifully went over to the mall to check them out and had some serious sticker shock. The sacs cost anywhere from $500 to $1,000 each. Okay, that item was off the list. Every once in a while I check online to see if any used ones come up for sale. One did today, but … Continue reading

Peer Pressure and Debt

Whew, is it getting hot in here? For some reason, the past two days was a huge day for financial peer pressure. It just seemed like everywhere I went, there was some example about how our family isn’t/wouldn’t/won’t fit in because of some of the financial choices that we are making. Our biggest long-term goal is to completely get out of debt, including our house and to start to build wealth so we can give generously. At the moment, we are far from this goal, but making progress. We have no debt, other than our house, although that debt is … Continue reading

Which Debt Reduction Strategy is Right for You?

You are committed to doing whatever it takes to get out of debt and remove financial worries from your life. You see a promising future, filled not with stacks of bills or collection calls, but a paid-off home and enough liquid assets to be able to enjoy life and to provide a future for your children. What a wonderful goal and one that could come true with some good choices and perseverance. Gaining financial freedom first starts with getting out of debt, with forming your own debt reduction plan that contains solid and achievable goals. It is do it yourself … Continue reading

Do Debt Consolidation Loans Work?

Consolidation loans, or consolidation of debt may work for you in your goals to get out of debt. Consolidation has some benefits, but it also have some risks as well. Find out if consolidation loans would work for you. To consolidate your debt, you would take out a new loan that covers the cost of all of your pressing debt. The new loan pays off all of the others, leaving you with one loan. This consolidation loan must still be paid off, of course. Consolidation loans can make it a little easier to keep up with your debt, since it … Continue reading

Let’s Make 2013 a Great Year for Getting Out of Debt!

Happy New Year! I just know that 2013 will be a great year for getting out of debt. We can do this. Let’s size up our debt and then knock it down little by little until we end the year richer and more financially stable. It may take a little sacrifice, but it can be a lot of fun, too. Getting out of debt is going to be a fantastic New Year’s Resolution that will help us make some real progress for our family. Don’t Worry about the Past We may have made some wrong choices along the way, but … Continue reading

Taking Debt Too Lightly

Why is it so easy to go into debt and so hard to get out of it? I think for modern generations, there has been a culture of taking debt too lightly. Fortunately, for some of us, that culture is changing toward one of getting rid of debt or not getting into it in the first place. Meanwhile, there is still a more corporate culture that encourages debt, and it is one, as individuals, that we have to fight against in order to be solvent and live a good life. Being offered a loan, whether it is a home mortgage, … Continue reading

Three Reasons Why Low Interest Credit Card Transfers May Put You in Debt

Many of us seek to take advantage of those low interest credit card transfer offers. With a low interest credit card transfer offer, you can take the debt you have on one credit card and move it over to a new card that gives you a lower rate of interest. With lower interest, you will save more money, right? If your credit score is still decent, you will find yourself getting a lot of these offers in the mail. Switching from a 12 percent card to a five percent card seems like a great way to speed up your recovery … Continue reading

Protecting Yourself from a Debt Relief Company

If you are seriously in debt, you may need the help of a debt relief company. These companies promise to get the creditors off of your back, negotiate for you, act as a shield of protection, and guide you to the right way to pay off that debt. Unfortunately, for a majority of these companies, the real goal is to scam you out of any remaining assets that you might have. Here is what you need to know and need to look for in a debt relief company, in order to protect yourself. First of all, why would these companies … Continue reading

To Get Out of Debt, Start Small

The bills are piling up in the corner of your desk, and it seems that every day the mail brings a new stack to deal with. Although the collection agencies haven’t started calling yet, you know that it is only a matter of time before they do. You want to get out of debt and get back on track, but the whole thing seems so overwhelming. Fortunately, it really doesn’t have to be. Just start small and go from there. Most financial advice about debt will guide you toward paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first. This … Continue reading

How to Use Garage Sales to Get Out of Debt

Garage sales can help you get out of debt in at least two major ways. Learn how you can use this staple of American culture to your advantage, as you pay down your bills and obtain financial freedom. Dave Ramsey, financial guru, once said to get out of debt he held a garage sale, selling so much that his kids thought they were going to be next. While this may seem like an extreme thing to do, the fact is that it is a good strategy to use in your arsenal of tools that will get you out of debt. … Continue reading