The Daughters of Helaman

We read in the Book of Mormon about the two thousand stripling warriors, the young men who did not fear death because of the deep faith they had in the Lord and His sovereign power. These are the boys called the Sons of Helaman, who told their leader that they knew the love of the Lord because their mothers had taught them. They were willing to serve and to be obedient, even unto death, because of the faith their mothers demonstrated to them. My daughter attended Girls’ Camp for the first time this year, and her leaders chose a theme … Continue reading

Senior Missionary Series: Who Should Serve?

As we continue our look at senior missionary service, it’s important to note that serving a mission will not be for everyone. However, there are many who can serve who might not think they can. Many people who have reached retirement age are still healthy and active. Using guidelines provided by Gordon B. Hinckley, let’s discuss who should and who should not attempt to serve a mission. The first thing you should consider is your financial status. Do you have the means available to support yourself on a mission? If you are a single sister, your funding is subsidized through … Continue reading

Gospel Questions: What is the Purpose of Life?

The question is often raised, “What is the purpose of life? Why are we here?” As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we don’t believe that we are here randomly, through some sort of scientific anomaly. We believe that we were created by a loving Heavenly Father who sent us to earth to try and test us to see if we will prove worthy to attain the glory He has. In the Book of Abraham, in the Pearl of Great Price (which came from papyrus found in the 1800s) we read of the pre-existence, where we … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Parable of the Sower

Circumstances did not allow for posting these lessons the weeks they were completed. However, it is my hope that you will still be able to take something from them. Today’s posts address lesson 11, “He Spake Many Things unto Them in Parables.” Today’s scripture study focused me on the parable of the sower, found in Matthew 13:1-8. The first thing I did was to match up the verses of the parable with the verses of Christ’s interpretation (found in 13:19-23). As we examine Christ’s explanation, try to remember that one of the interesting things about parables is their wide array … Continue reading

The LDS Families Week in Review: April 2nd – April 8th

Gospel Doctrine: This week’s Gospel Doctrine covers the upcoming lesson 13, “I Will Give Unto Thee the Keys of the Kingdom,” which involves Matthew 15:21-17:9. In “Great Is Thy Faith”, we examined the faith of the Canaanite woman who asked the Savior to heal her daughter, and how we can press on even when we seem to receive no answer to our pleadings. In The Signs of the Times, we considered the fact that we might look too often for the sensational and miss the small and simple signs of the Lord. In “Flesh and Blood Hath Not Revealed It … Continue reading

Whom the Lord Calls, He Qualifies

I told my husband when the Branch President asked if he could stop by that he would extend us both callings. Sure enough, that was the reason for his visit. We were expecting to be called to the Primary or, more likely, the Nursery (the current nursery leaders just had a baby last week and we have a history in the class). Instead, he called my husband to be Sunday School President, and me as second counselor in the Relief Society. “Wow,” I said. Then I said it another three times, all in sort of a shocked and dazed tone … Continue reading

Prayer During Trials

At some point in your life you will be faced with trials. In fact there is rarely a time in your life, when you will not have some type of trial to overcome. It may not always be a big trial, but rather smaller ones that you struggle with on a day to day basis. It may be that the trials you are facing are a result of poor choices that you have made in the past, or it may be that you are faced with trials through no fault of your own. No matter what trial you are facing, … Continue reading