The Blessings of Church Membership

When people look at our church or think about Mormons, many people only see the restrictions that we commit to when we join the church. This includes no alcohol, coffee, tea, and no smoking. Often times it is too easy to get caught up in the things that you don’t instead of focusing on the things that do. The church also offers many blessing as a result of being members of the church. First of all the things that we are not supposed to do, there is little that we are really missing. Studies and experience have shown that there … Continue reading

Latter-day Saint Heroes and Heroines – Marlene Bateman Sullivan

What are you willing to sacrifice for your faith in Jesus Christ? What are you willing to do to stand firm in your testimony of the restored gospel? I just finished a remarkable book. Titled “Latter-day Saint Heroes and Heroines” and subtitled “Stories of Courageous Saints around the World,” it’s a compilation of stories about men and women who held strong to their faith under the most horrifying of circumstances. Many of these stories gave me chills, some of them made me cry, and every one of them caused me to stop and think. How strong is my testimony? If … Continue reading

Solitude Can Bring You Closer to the Spirit

Examine with me, if you will, a typical morning at my house. I’m awakened by screaming children because someone hit someone else over some toy or another, even though the hitter has a toy just like the hitee’s. Then someone else is crying because they feel bad that someone got hurt, and then someone else is worried about the possibility of the house starting on fire, or what if there’s a flood, and how will we save all the guppies? The day continues pretty much this way, interspersed with meal times, school, and chores. The noise level is pretty average … Continue reading

Respectful Stewardship

Have you ever wondered how rich people get their wealth? If you ask, they’ll tell you that they learned to take care of the money they had. They invested it or they spent it wisely, and their research and hard work helped them to acquire more. One millionaire I’ve heard speak doesn’t even go to the full-service line at the gas station – he pumps his own gas because it saves him a little bit of money, and he uses that savings wisely. When we are good stewards over our belongings, we show that we are grateful for the things … Continue reading

General Conference: “Claim the Exceedingly Great and Precious Promises”

In his talk “Claim the Exceedingly Great and Precious Promises” Elder Spencer J Conde speaks about the importance of keeping an eternal perspective in this life. Elder Conde opens his talk by briefly speaking about the importance of faith. He emphasizes the importance of having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Elder Conde points out that one promise is forgiveness. To obtain the full blessings of this promise, we need to forsake our sins and repent. We are also promised to have our prayers answered, as we ask in faith. As we fast we can obtain promises of having the … Continue reading