General Conference: “The Priesthood–A Sacred Gift”

In his talk, “The Priesthood—A Sacred Gift,” President Thomas S. Monson speaks about the importance of living worthy of the priesthood. He points out the number of men who hold the priesthood compared to the number of people in the world. He reminds the men that the priesthood is the power of God and that they need to live worthy of it. He warns that the world has many things in it that entice people away from righteous living. President Monson goes on to say that it is important to have courage. It is the courage to do what is … Continue reading

The Blessings of the Priesthood

There are lots of reasons to be grateful for my husband, but recently I stopped to ponder how fortunate I am to have a worthy priesthood holder in my home. As a convert, this is not a blessing I have taken for granted, but I must confess that in the last six and a half years of marriage, there have been times when I have forgotten what a wonderful thing this is. I have been working with an inactive single mom, trying to love her back to church and show her that we still love and care for her. In … Continue reading

General Conference: “He Trusts Us!”

In his talk “He Trusts Us!” Elder Stanley G Ellis speaks about the trust that God has for each of man who holds the Priesthood. He points out that the Priesthood is the power and authority to act in God’s name. Elder Ellis begins his talk by sharing an experience he had as he prepared to serve as a mission president. He and his wife felt prompted to keep their home and business, in order to leave the country, they needed to assign someone power of attorney over their possessions. This was a difficult decision to make because the person … Continue reading

General Conference: “Let Us Be Men”

In his talk “Let Us Be Men” Elder D Todd Christofferson speaks of the importance of embracing the responsibilities of the priesthood and of life. He opens the story by sharing the story of his father sacrificing lunches for a year so that he could save enough money to buy his wife a machine to help her do the ironing. She had cancer and the surgery she underwent made if very painful to complete the ironing. Elder Christofferson points out that this sacrifice was the embodiment being a true man. He then goes on to share the admonition of Lehi … Continue reading

General Conference: “A Priesthood Quorum”

In his talk “A Priesthood Quorum” Elder Henry B. Eyring speaks about the importance of having unity in quorums. He begins by describing his first quorum. He was in a very small branch, and he was the only deacon in his branch. He learned more about quorums when he moved to a new area. He realized that size does not really matter. Elder Eyring said, “I have learned over the years that the strength in a quorum doesn’t come from the number of priesthood holders in it. Nor does it come automatically from the age and maturity of the members. … Continue reading

General Conference From the Past: Preparing the Way

As I studied the ministry of John the Baptist, I found a talk in the archives that touched on his life, his teachings, and his ministry. In April 1980, Elder Thomas S. Monson gave a talk entitled “Preparing the Way”. President Monson’s talk centered primarily on the Aaronic priesthood, which John held. This priesthood came to him by virtue of his lineage; like his father, Zacharias, he was able to administer in the ordinances thereof. This priesthood enabled him to baptize, both mortal men and the Savior of the world. Elder Monson discusses the fact that the power of the … Continue reading

What is Priestcraft?

We often hear the caution to beware of priestcraft, either practicing it ourselves, or falling prey to those who practice it. Just what is priestcraft, and how can we best follow the counsel to avoid it? In 2 Nephi 26:29, we read: He commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts, for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion. There are three parts to practicing priestcraft. First, the person sets themselves up for a … Continue reading

RS/EQ: All That My Father Hath

As I studied the second section in the President Kimball manual today, my eye was drawn to the reference to D&C 84:39. Here, President Kimball speaks of a covenant. Although it doesn’t specifically relate to integrity, I would like to take this chance to explore that covenant. After all, it is difficult to keep up our end of a promise if we don’t know what the promise is. This section of the Doctrine and Covenants starts in verse 33, and refers to those who are “faithful unto the obtaining these two priesthoods…and the magnifying their calling.” In short, the people … Continue reading