Less is More: How Not to Feel Deprived

Buying less not only means saving money, but it can also be freeing in other ways. For ten years of my life I gave up coffee. This was mostly because of two factors. My new (then) husband could not stand the smell of coffee brewing, and during those ten years, I was either pregnant or nursing or both, and choose to stay away from the caffeine. I didn’t actually miss coffee much after a little bit, and I could knock that expense out of our budget. I no longer felt I needed coffee, had desires for coffee or felt deprived … Continue reading

Freedom of Speech

If you haven’t heard about the Chick-fil-a controversy, you’ve probably been living under a rock. Chick-fil-a is a Christian based company that supports the biblical definition of marriage as only between a man and a woman. More importantly than what they believe or what I believe is, what are our children hearing? What do they believe? As a single mother I’ve had a fair amount of control over what Hailey is exposed to. I censor TV, movies, books, social media, to protect her. I’m not trying to protect her from differing opinions or lifestyles, once she leaves my home she … Continue reading

The Freedoms Of A Home – Based Professional

Right about now, freedom and liberty are at the forefront of many people’s minds. They are the values upon which America was founded, and they are things that many of us do not feel that we have enough of in our day to day lives. When I became a home – based professional, I realized just how much freedom I have as the owner of my own businesses. In many professions such as law, taking years off of work to raise a family does not always bode well for one’s career path. Unless, of course, your career path is self … Continue reading

The Freedom To Work When It Works For You

One of the best things about working from home is that you have the freedom to choose a schedule that works best for you. This great post by Richele McFarlin is a good example of how someone who works from home can adjust her work hours as her needs and the needs of her family change over time. Since I work from home, I have that same freedom and I have been able to create a schedule that fits both my needs and the needs of my family. My primary occupation is that of stay – at – home mom. … Continue reading

Freelancing Mistakes To Avoid – Part 1

Being a freelance home – based professional can be very rewarding and very freeing. It can also be very scary and very challenging. Before you jump in to the world of freelance work with both feet, take a minute to look at this list of some common problems faced by freelance professionals. Don’t worry, I would not just toss you a list of problems to be aware of and wish you luck in avoiding them. Ideas for how you can avoid these problems are right here alongside them so that you and other freelancers who may be going through tough … Continue reading

Finding the Freedom in Routines

I will be the first to admit that the word “routine” is enough to send many people running the other way. In fact, I am amazed that I have been able to implement any sort of routine because I like to think of myself as one of those spontaneous, go with the flow people who does not like to be fenced in. Perhaps I am not really as free flowing as I perceive myself to be, but maybe that is a good thing. I have found through experience that the only way that I can manage to get most of … Continue reading

Anti-Slavery: Today’s Fight for Tomorrow’s Freedom

As I said once before in a blog, when many Americans hear the word “slavery,” they think of African Americans being freed after the Civil War. But unfortunately, slavery is still very much a part of the world today. While researching the SlaveryFootprint.org website, I ran across the Anti-Slavery website. Anti-Slavery points out that although slavery was prohibited by the UN in 1848’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, slavery still exists today. Modern slavery includes many different things – prostitution, bonded labor, trafficking, slavery by descent, child labor, forced labor, and forced marriage. The site estimates that as many as … Continue reading

The Freedom That Comes with Digital Photography

Does anyone still use a traditional film camera these days? I’m sure some professional shooters and a few die-hards cling tightly to their trusty picture-taking tools, but for the most part, the industry has gone digital and most of us have followed without complaint. Personally, I don’t have a single complaint, especially since I was never fond of toting around dozens of rolls of extra film for my bulky point-and-shoot that never quite fit into my pocket or purse. I also dreaded waiting days to find out if the photos I snapped were worth saving. According to a new study, … Continue reading

Cats: To Potty Train or Not to Potty Train

We can potty train our kids, but what about our cats? Do any of the products offering feline toilet training actually work? I don’t know anyone who has a toilet-trained cat. But that doesn’t mean I think they can’t work. Enough testimonials exist for me to believe that potty training kitties is possible, but with one major caveat: it takes a lot of time and a lot of mess. MSNBC Health published an article detailing the feline toilet-training process, complete with interviews with animal behaviorists, cat trainers, and real-life people who successfully taught their cats to use the toilet. Before … Continue reading

Curfew is Not Negotiable

How do you decide curfew? Are the rules any different for single parents? I get up before 5am to go to work so I’m in bed by 10pm on weeknights and on weekends I struggle to stay up any later because my body is used to sleeping at certain times. I have used my work/sleep schedule to determine Hailey’s curfew. During the week she has to be in the house by 10, on the weekend it’s midnight. She always tells me that none of her friends have curfews that early but I just shrug and say “ These are the … Continue reading