For the Strength of Youth Series: Honesty

I once returned a pair of shoes that were sent to me on accident. I had paid for one pair in the store, and a second pair was sent to my home on accident. So I took the second pair back into the store, and handed them to the store clerk explaining the situation. He held the shoebox in his hand in disbelief and just looked at me. He then thanked me for my honesty and commented that he’d never seen that happen before. I was amazed that such a simple act of honesty was met with such incredulity. Is … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Repentance

Have you ever seen the old Mormon ad with the backpack loaded with bricks? The point of the ad is that sin weighs you down and that repentance can help you take the burden away so you don’t have to carry all that weight around. I recently attended a youth conference, and the speaker there related sin to weeds in the garden. They’re damaging and you know you have to get them out. But if you just pull the top of the weed out, it will grow back even bigger. But when you pull the whole weed including the root, … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Sexual Purity

Intimacy between a husband and wife is a beautiful thing. It can bind you together in a way that strengthens you both and solidifies your relationship. It is both an expression of love and the means for the creation of children—both of which are amazing blessings. But intimacy outside of marriage is damaging to both relationships and to individuals emotionally and mentally which is why Latter-day saints place such an emphasis on staying sexually pure. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet outlines some of the guidelines for Latter-day Saints of all ages. Being sexually pure is required for entering … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Dating

Remember all those years of dating? Aren’t you glad that they’re over for many of us? I know I am. My dating years were longer than I had hoped for, but in the end it turned out good for me. I found a fabulous man to marry, but only because I constantly kept my eye out for someone who had high standards and who fit me. But it was years of dating the right way that led me to that point. I didn’t go on a date until I was 16. I knew that that was the rule and that … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Language

Have you ever noticed that you can tell a LOT about a person by how they speak and what they say? I’m an observer by nature, and I’ve spent a lot of time listening to people and I’ve noticed over and over again that language is a key indicator of the type of person I’m listening to. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet points out several things about language that I personally appreciate including the statement that “how you speak says much about who you are.” The pamphlet gives some good direction on things you should do regarding language. … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Music and Dancing

Ahh, the memories of stake youth dances and the Book of Mormon distance between partners. Most of the time I didn’t have a particular boy I liked, so these dances were most often a time to go with my group of friends and have fun being silly and wearing funny clothes just for kicks. A bit nerdy, perhaps, but good clean fun. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet encourages youth (and adults alike) to choose good music and dancing for entertainment and to help you become closer to the Lord. Music is a fabulous way to share how you … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Entertainment and the Media

The Thirteenth Article of Faith states that we seek after “anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy.” Basically, we want to be culturally aware and find good things to watch, listen to, and attend. As the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet states, Satan uses some entertainment to dull our spirits and make us think that “what is wrong and evil look[s] normal and exciting.” These days you have to wade through all the junk on TV and the contorted messages portrayed through the media to find uplifting entertainment. But knowing your own personal values and standards (like … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Dress and Appearance

As LDS men and women, our attitude toward our bodies is different than many peoples’. We believe that our bodies are sacred—even temples—given to us as a gift from God. How we choose to clothe and take care of our bodies through our dress standards is an outer expression of our devotion to God and our respect for His gift to us. Dress standards are important in youth, but they’re just as important in adulthood. Modesty in dress is not antiquated or outdated, nor does it make you seem odd. The pamphlet outlines that immodest clothing includes: short shorts and … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Family

The opening statement in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet on Family states that “being part of a family is a great blessing.” Some of the benefits listed for being part of a family include companionship and happiness, a loving atmosphere, and a place of preparation for eternal life. Family is one of my most amazing blessings in life. I am amazed at how much I have learned and continue to learn from my family. I have four sisters and two brothers along with fabulous parents who have all taught me valuable lessons throughout the years. And they’ve become … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Friends

Growing up, I always had good friends. In my first high school, I chose a quiet group of LDS kids to hang around with and I always felt like my standards were respected. I don’t think they were ever challenged. My second high school was also like this. I quickly found friends in seminary and at church, and these friends were instrumental in helping me gain confidence and self-understanding in a turbulent time. In fact, it wasn’t until the end of my undergraduate degree while studying in England that I became close friends with people of other faiths. Call me … Continue reading