Christmas Fireside Suggestions

A wonderful fireside to have during the Christmas season is one that focuses on Christmas music. This is an easy fireside to set up and it welcomes in the spirit so easily. These ideas can also be adapted to work as a sacrament meeting to celebrate Christmas. You can have a formal fireside with one or two speakers and musical numbers planned. You may have the choir sing, and then contact other groups to have them perform as well. This is a great fireside that can involve many people in your ward. It is also a great time to invite … Continue reading

Three Ward Activities for Adults

When it comes to planning ward activities, it is occasionally nice to have one that is adults only. This gives all the adults a chance to interact without little ones climbing all over the place. If you do this, it is important to provide a nursery for those who would like to attend. Often all the babysitters will be taken if the whole ward wants a sitter. You can also provide an activity for the teenagers. Here are three fun and easy ideas to complete. 1) One fun idea is a progressive dinner. The planning for this idea is mainly … Continue reading

Ward Activities: Pinewood Derby

Recently my ward had a great ward activity. Every year Cub Scouts holds the Pinewood Derby, and sadly more often than not dads will make the cars for their sons. The competition is very fierce, and often the activity does not end in a positive light. Well our ward had a Pinewood Derby Ben Hurr Style. This was a no holds barred Pinewood Derby. There were very few rules. The first was that your car had to finish to qualify. There was a five pound weight limit. You could have a motorized car. Anyone could enter, so there could be … Continue reading

Five Ideas for Ward Activities

It is the time of year when the ward planning session takes place. If you are on the ward activities committee you may be scrambling to come up with some ideas for unique and fun ward activities. Here are five ideas that are fun. 1) One easy activity is to have a ward bake-off. Every family brings a dessert to enter into the contest. You judge to see who has the best dessert. This could be held in addition to or in conjunction with a chili cook-off. 2) Another fun activity is to have an Olympic games activity. This could … Continue reading

Five Ideas for Ward Christmas Parties

Every December your ward will most likely have a Christmas party. It can be difficult to come up with a unique idea every year. If you want to try something new here are five ideas that you can do to have a memorable Christmas party. 1) You may consider having a sing-a-long Christmas activity. This is simple. You plan a musical night with members performing Christmas songs. You also plan on having the audience sing as well. This can be a very enjoyable and spiritual night. Many members love the Christmas carols, but rarely get a chance to sing them. … Continue reading

Surviving the Holidays

The holidays can be a very stressful time on individuals as well as families. It is a time when there are so many events scheduled that you may end up neglecting what is most important to you and to your family. Here are five things that you should do to keep things in perspective this holiday season. 1) You need to continue your routine of daily prayer and scripture study. You also need to continue having family prayer and scripture study every day. This will do more than anything else to help you stay on track spiritually as a family. … Continue reading