Expressing Gratitude

“An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.” I wish I could say that I came up with that line myself. Actually, the zinger is the brainchild of the late Irv Kupcinet, a legendary gossip columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Honestly, I’m much quicker when it comes to thinking of witty or caustic remarks than finding ways to express heartfelt emotions. That’s why, like a lot of scrappers, I tend not to journal as much in layouts. I simply don’t feel as though I can articulate my innermost thoughts, so I don’t even try. Unfortunately, … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Gratitude

This section of the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet is one of the shortest, but oh what a difference it makes in your life! Many of us have heard President Monson talk about an “attitude of gratitude” and how it will make our lives seem happier and more bountiful. This section of the pamphlet also has a parable attached to teach the principle. The parable of the ten lepers (found in Luke 17:12-19) illustrates this standard beautifully. In this parable, Christ encounters ten lepers, who beg him to heal them. He takes mercy on them, and sends them to … Continue reading

Teaching Children Gratitude

This time of year is a great time to focus on being thankful. It is also a good time to teach your children to be thankful, and to set up traditions and habits that can carry gratitude over into the entire year. Here are four ways that you can show your gratitude and teach your children to do the same. One way you can do this is to start a family tradition of sharing three things you are grateful for at Sunday dinner each day. This is carrying the Thanksgiving tradition of expressing thanks throughout the year. If you give … Continue reading

Finding Contentment Without Complacency

My current calling is a Relief Society teacher, and I teach on the fourth Sunday. My assigned topics for this month are the wonderful talks that President Julie B Beck gave at conference in October. Unfortunately there were a lot of people who took offense at her words. Personally as I read them I felt a great sense of peace, comfort and purpose in my role as a woman in the church, and in my role as a mother to my children. President Beck focuses on the need to defend families and to create a home environment that allows our … Continue reading

Finding Gratitude

Christmas is one of the most special days of the year, but it is hard to deal with that letdown feeling that comes either that day or a day or two later. It seems that all the rush, and gift giving can become too overwhelming, and you just end up feeling tired and stressed. There are a few ways to combat that, and they all deal with gratitude. The first thing you may want to do is take a few minutes to write in your journal about all the things that you are grateful for. Look beyond the gifts that … Continue reading

Gratitude Trees

I’m on a mission to create gratitude in my children. My husband and I work very hard to provide them with a happy childhood, clean clothes, a warm house, food, and even fun toys. Sometimes though, I think we are doing too good of a job, because they sure don’t seem to appreciate it. Years ago, I read Simple Abundance. The author, Sarah Ban Breathnach, suggested that every night you write down five things you are grateful for. They didn’t have to be big things, they could be a cup of hot tea, or finding a parking space, or a … Continue reading

Focusing on Gratitude

Gratitude is an easy virtue to practice when things are going the way that you want them to. Little children learn at young age to say thank you for gifts and compliments. This type of gratitude develops naturally. In a positive situation it is easy to find thinks to thank Heavenly Father for. It is easy to find your blessings and acknowledge them. However when you are going through a difficult time or a struggle, it may not be as easy to develop your gratitude. While it may be more difficult it is just as important that you work to … Continue reading Newsletter April 2012

Have you subscribed to the newsletter? Here is what is coming hot off the press for April. Don’t miss our updates sent directly to your inbox with highlights of what is going on here at Or check in with us by following us on Facebook or Google+. Inspiration from real parents like you. Parents, wondering how on earth we are going to get through this? Read on for inspiration and tips from real parents just like you. Pull up a chair and pour yourself another cup of coffee. Share the struggles and the laughter with us and find strength … Continue reading

Fun Ways to Rid Your Home of Halloween Candy

Sure, you can donate your leftover Halloween candy to hospitals, food pantries, churches and shelters. You could also send excess hard candy (chocolate melts in the desert) to troops based overseas. There are even some dentists and retailers who are buying kids’ Halloween loot. However, none of those ideas scream F-U-N to me the same way eating does. When I was young I refused to part with any of my sugar stash. After all, I schlepped for three hours collecting all that junk, and by gosh, I was going to devour every last calorie… unless it started with Laffy and … Continue reading

Reduce Your Stress for Your Baby’s Health

Recent research conducted at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical Center revealed that stress during pregnancy increases the child’s risk for asthma. Stress in the mother triggers an immune response, evidenced in the cord blood collected at birth, possibly later heightening their response to inhaled antigens. It stands to reason, therefore, that reducing stress during pregnancy can only have a positive effect on both the baby and the mother. Most of us immediately want to remove the source of the stress. Sometimes it is simple enough as hiring a babysitter for a few hours or telling someone to mind … Continue reading