Finding the True Meaning of Christmas

My 8-year-old has a severe case of the Christmas gimmies.  Unfortunately, I have myself to blame for her very unmerry malady. Whereas I am by no means showering the kid with pre-holiday presents, I haven’t been doing a very good job focusing on the “reason for the season” either. I’ve been swept into the chaotic tsunami that is the month of December.  Gifts to buy, wrap and mail; cookies to bake, decorate and distribute; cards to take photos for, write and stamp; and the list goes on and on. As a parent, it’s easy to get caught up in the … Continue reading

Creating Thankful Traditions All Year Round

We often think of the Christmas season as a time to celebrate family. Thanksgiving is our time to be thankful. Valentine’s Day is a day to show love. Of course, while it’s good to have particular seasons and special days to celebrate these things, you can feel and show all of these emotions all year round! Whether you follow a particular religion or not, creating traditions of thankfulness is important. As many of us head off to sales, it’s a good time to stop and remember all that we have. The economy can be tight, and finding a job can … Continue reading

A Tip for More Peaceable Family Gatherings

This holiday season, I realized that one important communication skill is essential to surviving many a holiday gathering. Those of you that read this blog regularly know that I love words, so I am excited to inform you that this magical skill has a name – tact. Tact is a word that refers both skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations or a knack for knowing what to say or do in order to avoid offending others. In a time where people often pride themselves on being “uncensored”, letting their opinions be known, or saying what is on their … Continue reading

Holiday Traditions

Each family has its own unique set of holiday traditions. Whatever the traditions in your family, it is likely that you can look back through the years and see how certain things became a part of what your family does. For example, my father’s side of the family has always gotten together on Christmas Eve. I think that this tradition started when my cousins and I were born because each set of new parents had two sets of grandparents to include in their Christmas visiting schedule. Instead of trying to have each set of cousins make it to two sets … Continue reading

Some Kids With Autism May Not Understand Christmas

In general, kids who have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tend to have difficulty with social concepts. Many kids with an ASD can be extremely logical in their thought processes. Together, this can make it hard for them to understand the connections between Santa, Christ, and the Christmas traditions that most families participate in. Every year, there are a lot of little kids who are excited by the prospect of Santa coming to their house on Christmas Eve. Parents tell their children about Santa, and the youngest kids believe with all their hearts that Santa is real. When they get … Continue reading

The Best Tradition of Christmas: Being Together

Christmas traditions in my family have changed over the years. When the kids were little, we always opened gifts on Christmas Eve. Now they receive money ahead of time and get to spend it however they wish. My youngest spends it as soon as it touches his fingers, my daughter waits until she can get to the mall and my oldest holds onto it for a while. Another tradition we had when they were younger was to read stories like “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Now we play games like Uno, Apples to Apples or Catch Phrase. We used to … Continue reading

Not-So-Merry Christmas Traditions

According to my 7-year-old, the Grinch could take lessons from me on how to ruin Christmas. So, without further ado, here are just some ways to have an un-Merry Christmas: Lesson #1: No one in the house gets to open presents on Christmas morning until he/she eats at least a few bites of the special holiday breakfast Mommy lovingly prepares. Lesson #2: All family members must pose for at least one photo in front of the tree while wearing Christmas pajamas prior to ripping into holiday loot. Lesson #3: One (and only one) gift can be opened on Christmas Eve. … Continue reading

Our First Christmas

When I think back to this week I always refer back to the joy and happiness of my first Christmas as a Mom. I remember Steve who was 3 lying under the tree looking up at the lights. There was many nights that we would get up to check on the kids and the Christmas tree would be on and Steve was just curled up under it like our cat does. I know that he had a very hard young life and so we wanted this to be an absolutely amazing Christmas for him. I will admit we did go … Continue reading

Scrapping Holiday Family Fun

The holiday season provides a litany of opportunities to create memorable scrapbook layouts featuring your entire family, and I’m not just referring to the same ol’ boring page designs of people opening presents. Since most clans tend to gather for either Christmas or New Year’s Eve, don’t miss the chance to document and expand on your family’s favorite traditions. Forget about creating a chronological timeline of Christmas Day; rather, select a few standout events and tell the stories behind each. Some special seasonal layout ideas include: Caroling: You don’t have to participate in an elaborate Christmas caroling event around the … Continue reading

Tasty Traditions – Cookies and Family History

No matter what holiday your family is celebrating this time of year, one thing is probably a given. There are likely to be many sweet treats on your table that are not usually there throughout the year. Did you know that if you have European ancestors, they may have started baking Christmas cookies as far back in time as the 1500’s? Sweet treats have long been associated with celebrations throughout the year, as the ingredients used to make them like sugar and spices were too expensive for most people to have on hand all year long. The array of cookies, … Continue reading