FHE: Focus on Family Time

Family home evening is a time to gather your family together each week. It is about more than teaching your family the gospel. This is an essential and important part of family home evening, but one of the most powerful things that family home evening does is that it draws your family together and makes them stronger. As you spend time together as a family focusing on the gospel and getting to know each other, you build bonds that last. These bonds can carry your children through their most difficult times. If you are having a difficult time holding family … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: A House of Order

This month’s family home evening lesson is focused on creating a positive home environment. This lesson can branch out in many different areas, and you should be able to adjust it to meet your own family’s needs. You can talk about keeping the home clean and participating in chores as well as having a positive attitude towards people in the family. Open the lesson with a song and a prayer. You can begin by sharing Doctrine and Covenants 88:119. Then ask your family what things this scripture says that we need to do to bring the spirit into your home. … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: 4 Ideas for Teaching Life Skills to Your Children

One fund idea for a family home evening night is to have a time when you focus on teaching specific home making skills to your entire family. You should open with a short spiritual thought and scripture at the beginning of the night. You could plan to do this as “Missionary Prep” series or “Family Helper” series once a month. Here are four ideas of skills you may want to teach your family. 1) You can have a family home evening that teaches your family to cook. Some families have a system already implemented in which they have each child … Continue reading

Being of One Heart and One Mind at Home

My visiting teachers visited yesterday. As we sat and discussed the lesson I was trying to feed my youngest. I may not have seemed as though I was paying much attention, but something they talked about really affected the way that I viewed my current situation. They talked about the importance of being of one heart and mind when it comes to your family at home. It really does make a difference to have a home that is peaceful and promotes love and acceptance. As parents we can do so much to create a supportive home environment. We should strive … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: Five Ideas for Activities

When it comes to family home evening, it is often so easy to just focus on the spiritual message that is going to be taught. However, it is important to remember that another purpose of family home evening is to bring the family closer together. By having a fun relaxing activity after the spiritual part of the lesson you can help to build family unity. Here are five activities that you may consider doing as part of your family home evening. 1) A fun idea would be to have a family movie night. You can watch your old home movies. … Continue reading

Family Unity

Families are a central part of the gospel. The family is the basic unit for the gospel, and all the activities in the church are supposed to support family unity. It can be difficult to build family unity in your own family. Here are some basic ways to help your family to be closer to each other and to form strong bonds. 1) Do the basics that the church leaders have counseled. This includes family prayer and scripture study and family home evening. These are great tools that will help to build family unity. 2) It is a good idea … Continue reading

The Frugal Blog Week in Review: Jan. 27 to Feb. 2

Hello there! It is a quiet Saturday evening on the day before the Superbowl. my husband is getting the last kid to bed, I’m listening to my new Nora Jones music, and I am seriously thinking of taking a nice hot bath. Before that, though, I wanted to bring you the week in review for the Frugal Living Blog. I know you read every blog faithfully, so I’ll just assume you want to reread them all again. Saturday, January 27 Save on Paper: Take Advantage of Junk Mail In an earlier blog, Save on Paper: The Three Best Ways, I … Continue reading

Introduction to the Latter-day Hymns Series

We have been told by the Lord that “the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me” and that it will be answered upon the heads of those who perform the music. We are also told that we draw closer to God through music than through any other means save it be for prayer. Music is a powerful tool, one that can be used to bring us near to the throne of God or one that can be used to drive us away from the Holy Ghost. My great-great-grandmother was converted to the Gospel by the power of the … Continue reading

The Help Me Be Good Books — Joy Berry

If your house is anything like mine, you’ve got children who like to test the waters, meaning, misbehaving just enough to see what they can get away with. It’s a natural part of childhood. We all did it and some of us are still doing it. Our job, as parents, is to help children learn the lessons that come along with this type of behavioral experimentation, and one of the ways we can do that is to sit and read a book about that behavior. The “Help Me Be Good” series by Joy Berry is a delightful set of books … Continue reading