Christmas Cookie Scrapbook

Now I’ve seen everything. Yesterday I popped into my local scrapbook supply store to pick up an extra pack of holiday-themed stickers for a layout I am creating to display my daughter’s school Christmas concert photos, but what to my wondering eyes should appear: a Christmas cookie scrapbook. I’m not sure I would have believed it unless I saw it with my own two eyes. Sitting in the middle of the display table was a pimped out Christmas recipe scrapbook filled exclusively with amazing photos of the most divine cookies known to man and directions on how to make them … Continue reading

Christmas Traditions Build Family Connections

What kinds of Christmas traditions does your family have? How did they get started? Which family member began this tradition, and who has it been passed onto since then? Genealogists can record a lot of very interesting family history at this time of year. Continuing a family tradition is a great way to connect with living family members, as well as to remember loved ones who have passed away. My family has some rather odd Christmas traditions. When my siblings and I were very young, my mother and grandmother would take us to the closest shopping mall to visit Santa. … Continue reading

Creating a Meaningful Christmas on a Budget

So many families are struggling right now with the economy and are wondering what to do about Christmas and gifts for the kids. The stores are still screaming about deals, deal and deals. The kids see commercials for the latest hot toys that seem to cost more than my first car ever did. Examining the family budget, many of us are deciding to spend less this year, including on Christmas gifts. I think this is a blessing in disguise. What better time is there to make a meaningful Christmas for the kids, and well, for everyone. Participate in Operation Christmas … Continue reading

Creating New Christmas Traditions

When you are first married, you may find yourself pulled here and there juggling between two different families, but when your kids become a bit older, it is a good idea to carve out your own family traditions. There are a variety of things you can do over the holidays to create memories that will last forever. Christmas caroling is one tradition that seems to have fallen out of style lately, but it is a great way to spread the holiday cheer. You can carol in your neighborhood, in your ward, or at a hospital or nursing home. You can … Continue reading

What NOT to do with Your Newborn Twins

And the 2008 Worst Mother Award goes to… Sonia Ringoir. Okay, maybe not. However, if they handed out an actual award for poor parental behavior the 31-year-old Belgium mother would certainly be in contention for title. If you haven’t already heard, Ringoir stands accused of selling her newborn twin boys to pay for liposuction surgery. According to reports, Ringoir, a restaurant worker from the Belgian tourist haven of Ghent, was arrested and charged last week after her estranged husband ratted her out. And get this—when police questioned Ringoir’s current boyfriend, he says the mom sold her babies because her estranged … Continue reading

Christmas Traditions

During the holidays it is so easy to focus on creating traditions in your family. As you look back at what you did to celebrate Christmas when you were growing up, you probably did similar things every year. While you do want to provide that for your children, you may choose to leave some of your traditions behind and create new ones for your family. It can also be difficult to create family traditions when you are not at home for Christmas, but visiting family. My favorite traditions are the ones that focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Growing … Continue reading

The Return of Lost Traditions

We have written some here in the Parenting blog about family traditions—changing them, establishing them, letting some of them go. As a parent who has seen my children grow from infancy to nearly adult-hood, I am finding it interesting that some of the family and holiday traditions I said goodbye to a couple of years ago when my kids were in the throes of adolescence, have started to return… My eldest daughter and I were chatting this morning on our post-dawn commute—making some plans for the weekend. It was actually a combination of finding out what her social plans were, … Continue reading

Creating a New Holiday Tradition

I’ve always been the traditional kind of girl when it came to holidays. I like my turkey on Christmas and my ham on Easter. July 4th always meant barbeque. As I have gotten older, I have found that some traditions are worth changing. I always thought that having a little one in the house would make the holidays more festive and don’t get me wrong it does but I have also found that when you have kids holidays can sometimes mean more work and less time to enjoy the day. So this past Labor Day I decided to start my … Continue reading

Celebrating with Food – Traditions at Christmas

We’ve spent a lot of time talking about creating holiday traditions and celebrating with our spouses. We’ve talked about blending traditions from our families and starting our own with our new families. Often those traditions include celebrating with a great feast or some kind of meal on the Christmas holidays. Our family often celebrates with a roast beef, others celebrate with a ham or a turkey and still others celebrate with lasagna. The food may or may not have meanings or it may simply represent bringing your family back together or bring to mind those shared meals of your youth. … Continue reading

Why You and Your Spouse Should Create Your Own Traditions

We’ve been talking about the holidays and creating your own traditions for the holidays. That’s the great thing about having a family of your own. You can keep some of the traditions you grew up participating in and you can skip right over the traditions you didn’t care for. It doesn’t matter if you and your spouse have children, because holiday traditions are about building strong bonds. Our First Few Christmases The first few years we were together, we did not have children and I’ve told you some of the traditions we embraced in those years. When you have kids, … Continue reading