Coping with Ward Changes

Two weeks ago, we got the news that our stake was finally going to re-allign the ward boundaries. This is big news, and a long time coming. Last year about the same time, 3 stakes in our area were combined into two. This area of Salt Lake has struggled in recent years to maintain members. So, many of the wards, including ours, have struggled a lot. Our ward currently has just a handful of members. We have maybe 100 attending sacrament meeting. Enough youth to count on one hand, and just a few more primary children. It is hard. So, … Continue reading

Learning about Coping Gracefully from My Pets

Over in Marriage I wrote about how this year has been one blow after the other and I feel like I’m living under a black cloud. A string of them to be exact. No sooner does one pass than another one moves in and pours on me some more. I don’t even get a chance to fully dry off. I’ve been trying to cope as well as I can, but I have to be honest. My defenses are wearing down. Yesterday I got another blow. My dad’s girlfriend called to say she was at St. Anthony’s with my dad. He … Continue reading

Coping With a Loss or Drop in Business Income

It would be lovely if we were in a constant upward trajectory in our home businesses and each month, quarter, or year our income just went up and up and up. But, unfortunately, the world of business just doesn’t work that way. For a person who is used to getting a steady paycheck or salary that is regularly adjusted for cost-of-living increases, the fluctuation of cash flow in a home business can be a tough pill to swallow. It can take some adjustment to regroup when there is a loss or dip in income. Planning can help, and preparing for … Continue reading

Your Church Halloween Party

With all the changes that have been going on lately in our ward, it is a little chaotic. In the shuffle, there have not been any callings made just yet. So, the new bishop asked me to help out with our church halloween party since I had worked most recently with the children in our ward. So I agreed. This year, we aren’t going to do a trunk or treat like many wards do. While I love that idea, and it is usually so fun and simple, we are going to try and throw together some activities that the kids … Continue reading

A Time of Transition

Yesterday was our Stake meeting to realign the ward boundaries in our stake. A lot of big changes took place. It was an exciting (although very long) meeting, and I am excited about the new changes. One thing I learned is that our ward was originally established in 1905. It is so amazing to be a part of a ward with such a history. Although the boundaries have changed many times since then, it is very cool to think about all the members of the church that have lived in my neighborhood before me. Another interesting fact that I learned … Continue reading

Teaching Flexibility to a Child Who Resists Change

Children with autism spectrum disorders, behavioral disorders, and Sensory Integration Disorders often develop rigid thinking. They want certain things done at a certain times, in a certain order, and in a certain way. Otherwise, a tantrum ensues. That’s because these special kids often feel a loss of control over important aspects of their lives. What is normal and routine for the rest of us can be difficult and frustrating for them. Imagine having your body respond clumsily when you’re trying to do work or play. Or imagine being dragged from place to place by a parent and not having the … Continue reading

Five Years of Moose!

I’m not always good at remembering birthdays and anniversaries, so I have a few online calendars to give me hints about the date. Today in my email was a happy birthday wish for my dog Moose from I don’t know what his actual birthday is — I don’t know Lally’s birthday either — so we celebrate anniversaries. Some people call them Gotcha Days, as in “this is the day I gotcha.” Five years ago today, I drove to Ticonderoga, NY to pick up a foster dog named Coyote. I had picked him out from a series of shelter dog … Continue reading

Adelaide Piper – Beth Webb Hart

“Adelaide Piper” by Beth Webb Hart began very differently than it ended. We start out with a literary look back at a girl’s childhood, a memoir of her past, her family, and her thoughts and feelings toward them. She is a poet, and we see many of her perceptions of the world around her through the use of her pen. We stay with her for a time as she grows up, and then goes off to college, and then the tone and the focus of the story changes quite a bit. She was date-raped while on campus, something that shocked … Continue reading

Getting Psyched Up For Extra Challenges

I’ve written about what it is like when things are good and easy in our home businesses, but sometimes we see bumpy roads up ahead. Of course, there are definitely those times when we get hit with challenges we didn’t even see coming, but in the instances where we have some warning, we can get ourselves all “psyched up” for the upcoming changes. Being able to prepare for an increase in work load, or major changes, is really a blessing. Instead of clenching our teeth and going kicking and screaming—we have the opportunity to prepare and get ourselves mentally and … Continue reading

Borderline Personality Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the most common of the personality disorders, affecting approximately 15% of the population. Sufferers typically indulge in intense but stormy relationships, have difficulty exerting control over their emotions, display marked impulsivity in their behaviors, fear abandonment and may indulge in self-harming behaviors and suicidal thoughts. Sufferers of borderline personality disorder often have associated mood disturbances with up to 70% also experiencing major depression. Eating disorders are also common: up to 25% of bulimics have a co-diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Well over 50% of substance abuse sufferers also show signs of borderline personality disorder. … Continue reading