Temple Square

I feel so blessed to live in Utah. Not growing up here, I try hard not to take for granted the wonderful history that surrounds me and the beautiful Salt Lake City Temple that I get to see, and attend regularly. As a family, we are starting to have a little tradition to take our kids who are now 4 and almost 2 downtown to walk around temple square. We live within about a five minute drive, and it is easy for us to go down there, walk around for about 30 minutes, and let our kids get tired before … Continue reading

But They Were Married in the Temple

We place a lot of emphasis on getting married in the temple. We teach about it in Family Home Evening, Primary, Young Men’s and Young Women’s. Our focus as an LDS people is to be temple worthy and remain temple worthy throughout our lives. Unfortunately, as we talk about temple marriage, sometimes we forget one very important thing – temple marriage gives us the opportunity to be together forever. It is not a guarantee. My parents were divorced when I was a teenager. They had been married in the temple and my sisters and I were all born in the … Continue reading

Sunday School: Temple and Family History Work, Temple Ordinances for You and Your Immediate Family

As we continue our look at the alternative Sunday School class “Temple and Family History Work,” let’s move on to the chapter entitled, “Temple Ordinances for Your and Your Immediate Family.” The first ordinance mentioned is the endowment. It explains the purpose of life and helps us to understand Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation. The ordinance of the endowment is necessary for us to return to our Heavenly Father and to live with Him again. When we are faithful to the promises we make in the endowment, we not only feel the Spirit more, but we have an enlarged capacity … Continue reading

Celebrating An Anniversary

Next week, it will be 10 years since I was married in the temple to my amazing husband. I can’t believe it has been that long. Yet, in the eternal scheme of things, it is just a moment. In preparation for our anniversary, we were trying to decide what to do. We had a hard time figuring out something special that we could do with three small children, and limited time. We needed someone to watch the kids, and we wanted something fun to do. We decided we are going to go to a local reservoir and rent wave-runners. I’m … Continue reading

Watching the Royal Wedding

I have to admit, I was so annoyed with all the pre-wedding coverage prior to yesterday, but when the big day came, I set my DVR along with the rest of the world, and was sucked in by the wedding. I watched too many hours of coverage, and enjoyed every minute of it. Watching two people get married is always a beautiful thing. Add royalty to the mix and it becomes magical! I couldn’t help but think of my own wedding in the Salt Lake City temple. Mormon weddings are the opposite of royal weddings. We don’t walk down the … Continue reading

Who I Am—An Introduction

Who is Lisa Mabey? On the surface, I’m a new blogger for the LDS Families and Photography blogs. I’m a soon-to-be LDS mom and wife. I’m a young women first counselor. But a little deeper, I’m an intently religious woman who values her convictions and testimony above anything else in life. I grew up in a tiny town in Idaho where I was surrounded by people who shared my faith and taught me through their examples. I grew up in a home that many people have envied for the love and truths taught there. I moved to Utah to attend … Continue reading

Unrealistic Marriage Expectations

When we first get married, we have a certain set of expectations that come with us into the union. The bride has her set, the husband has his set, and the in-laws have theirs as well. Some of these expectations will be met, and many of them won’t. Let’s discuss some of these expectations. 1. The Myth: Many of us believe that temple marriage is the golden key to unlock all our marriage treasures and that nothing can befall us once we’ve been sealed. The Truth: the temple gives us the ability to be together forever, if we live righteously … Continue reading

The Proclamation on the Family — David J. Ridges

My husband and I were married on August 31, 1995, in the Salt Lake temple. Both of us came from broken homes and we wanted to make our marriage a success, but we didn’t have personal examples to follow and we felt like we were flying a bit blind. Less than one month later, in September of 1995, the First Presidency issued “A Proclamation to the World on the Family,” and we felt as though we’d been given a personal map to correctly chart our course. “The Proclamation” as given to us by the First Presidency takes all the beliefs, … Continue reading

Mormons and Divorce – Part One: What Do Mormons Believe about Divorce?

In response to a comment made on one of my other blogs, I’m starting a short series entitled, “Mormons and Divorce.” I’m hoping to answer the questions posed by the commenter as well as others had by our readership here at Families.com. One often-asked question is, “What do Mormons believe about divorce?” Some hold the mistaken idea that if you’re Mormon, you can’t get a divorce, and if you do, you’ll be condemned. That’s not the case. We believe that marriage is the most important relationship you will ever have, second only to your relationship with God. We believe that … Continue reading

What to Tell Children about Divorce

Divorce is a hard thing for any family. When a couple who was married in the temple decides to divorce, it can be even harder in some ways, because of the teaching that families are forever when they’re sealed in the temple. Children feel that because their parents were sealed, the marriage is steel-clad and nothing will ever go wrong. But because we have our free agency, things do go wrong, even in temple marriages. What do we tell our children about divorce? A lot of this will depend on the ages of the children, but here are some ideas. … Continue reading