Making Difficult Decisions Through Prayer

Recently, I was faced with a difficult decision to make. Without going into too much detail, it was very personal, and involved one of my children. I needed the help of the Lord to make this decision. There were lots of emotions involved, and I kept questioning my feelings. It seemed hard to distinguish whether or not I was receiving revelation or just simple thoughts in my mind. I struggled with this issue for a few months. It wasn’t until I had a fleeting thought, and pondered on it that I realized that the Spirit was trying to whisper something … Continue reading

Be Ye Therefore Perfect

As a member of the church, I’ve always known that the phrase perfection, or some form of it appears multiple times in the scriptures. We need to “be ye therefore perfect”, or “be perfected in Christ”. I am not going to deny that hearing that perfection is the ultimate goal can feel very depressing. An article by, Janet S. Scharman, in BYU Magazine was shared on a friend’s blog. The title of the article of course peaked my interest, “Seeking Perfection Without Being a Perfectionist”. I thought, I definitely need to read that! So, I did. And, it was a … Continue reading

The Search for the Perfect Vacuum

My love affair with Dyson vacuums continues, despite the fact that I don’t own one. I’ve made it no secret that I’m desperately seeking a vacuum that sucks up everything in sight and doesn’t spit out the things it doesn’t like. A number of readers have been kind enough to recommend their favorite brands of non-Dyson vacuums and some have even got me re-thinking my unwavering loyalty to a brand I don’t even own. One reader suggested that I invest in a Rainbow vacuum because it uses a water filtration system and therefore the dirt that is extracted from my … Continue reading

Wedding Dresses: Buyer Beware

Several months ago one of the local news stations here in Nashville ran a story about a bride-to-be who couldn’t return her wedding dress when her fiance died before their wedding day. (I think this was back around the time my mom got diagnosed with a month to live and went into the hospice. Which is why I didn’t write about it sooner. I’m just now working my way down the list of ideas I had back then.) I don’t remember exactly how her fiance died. (I want to say car accident, but that might not be right.) How he … Continue reading

Rule Number 1: No Such Thing as a Perfect Marriage

Since I decided my focus for 2008 would be resolving to make the best of marriage, I have to start somewhere. Setting rules seems like a logical place. Perhaps the most important, fundamental rule is realizing perfection is a myth. Nobody, and No Marriage, Is Perfect I don’t believe in such a thing as the perfect marriage. Everyone has flaws, therefore every marriage will have flaws. That’s not to say you can’t enjoy an incredible marriage though. That’s always something you can strive for. As long as you do the following: (a) Accept It, Flaws are Inevitable If you accept … Continue reading

Photography Potpourri—-More Matting Tips and the Perfect Camera for eBay Users

In previous blogs I discussed the fine art of matting pictures. I am an advocate of mats as I feel they help ordinary photos take on a professional quality. I mentioned that there are three basic tips you should keep in mind when choosing the perfect mat for your frame: color, quality and size. In regards to the subject of size I wanted to include one more tip: If you are framing an extra large picture or if the focal point of your photo is centered near the bottom, consider “weighting” your mat by opting for a wider border across … Continue reading

Being Perfect

In Third Nephi, chapter twelve, we read: 47. Old things are done away, and all things have become new. 48. Therefore I would that ye should be perfect, even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect. Wow. That’s quite the charge. How on earth are we supposed to be perfect? We know we can’t – we’re human. We’re mortal. It’s impossible for us to be perfect, and yet here we are, being commanded to be perfect. It’s almost more than we can handle. I’d like to call your attention to the first verse mentioned. Old things … Continue reading

Visual Dysfunction: More than Meets the Eye

I know what you’re thinking: My child can see perfectly. I can skip this blog. But there’s more to vision than just seeing. Children with sensory integration dysfunction often have problems processing visual information, even though they can “see.” (If you have concerns about your child’s basic ability to see properly, click here.) I often notice that my son Kyle will put objects close to his eyes when he’s playing or thinking. Kyle has normal vision but I believe he is under-sensitive to visual stimuli. That means he craves visual input, and so he watches video clips repeatedly, creates movement … Continue reading

Rock Spiders and Short Eyes: Do We Need Tougher Sentencing.

It is no secret that I am a believer in truth in sentencing for child sexual offenders: pedophiles, predators, perpetrators, abusers, rock spiders, kiddie fiddlers or short eyes. Call them what you will. They all belong to a club whose mission statement is to sexually abuse our children. It is also no secret that I err on the side of caution when it comes to long-term protection of children. I subscribe to the belief that a released child sexual offender will most likely recommit sexual crimes against children. I long for the day where program statistics will convince me otherwise. … Continue reading

When is Mother’s Day Celebrated?

What day do you celebrate Mother’s Day? The answer to that question depends upon where in the world you live. Or, it could be based on where your mother is currently living. Many countries celebrate Mother’s Day but not all of them do it on the same day. This presents a dilemma for families who have relatives in more than one country. How do you know which Mother’s Day to celebrate? Do you use the one that matches with the country your mother lives in? What if that date isn’t the same one where you live? Mother’s Day is celebrated … Continue reading