Cultivating Your Testimony

Testimonies are very fragile. They need to be cultivated on a daily basis. There are times when it seems that you are strong, but seem to forget the need to continually nourish your testimony. It is also easy to push your testimony to the back burner as you struggle to meet the daily demands of being a parent. The simple fact is that the most important thing you can do each day is to nourish your testimony. You can do this by studying the scriptures and praying. Of course your children needs must be met, so you may need to … Continue reading

Forgiving Yourself

When it comes to forgiveness, we often talk about forgiving others. This is an important and essential thing to do. It is not always easy to forgive others if they have wronged us. Forgiving others brings a release and a sense of peace. It can be even more difficult to forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made in the past. It can be difficult to find peace after you have felt true remorse for the mistakes that you have made. The Atonement allows you to find true peace as you forsake your sins. It can help you to change … Continue reading

Are You Starving Yourself Spiritually?

Have you ever had a time when you are spiritually starving yourself? You wake up and seem to drag around from day to day. You know that you should read your scriptures and take time to pray every morning, but it just seems like another thing to add to your list. You may be finding that it is harder and harder to motivate yourself to go to church, and you are struggling with your feelings of inadequacy. Is your lack of spiritual motivation spilling over into other areas and affecting the way that you treat your family? There are times … Continue reading

One Life to Live: Making the Most of Your Life

I feel like the title of my blog sums up my point. How do you make the most of every day? Forget your past for now. I want you to think about where you are currently with God. Sometimes it’s easy to let our past dictate where we are going. God is capable of meeting you right where you are at and transforming you into who He wants you to be if you’ll allow Him. If you’ve felt your life has lacked purpose or it feels like you’re lacking direction, please don’t fret. Make the decision that your life is … Continue reading

Starving Spiritually

Feeling weak, tired, overwhelmed, stressed? Are you feeling like something is missing and you can’t quite pinpoint it? Have you considered that you may be running on empty spiritually speaking? Sometimes we can forget that our faith is living and breathing and needs to be nourished just as our bodies need to be. It’s too easy to get wrapped up in life making decisions, stressing out about this or that and really playing god over our own life. We were not built to take on the worries of the world but rather to cast our worries or cares upon Christ … Continue reading

Being Effective and Happy

As I look back on my life, I find that there are times full of peace and happiness and times when life wasn’t happy or at all peaceful. These times do not necessarily coincide with being in the midst of a trial, because I’ve had trials I’ve ridden out with peace in my heart. What I’ve found the biggest difference is where my focus was, and how productive I was at the time. When my life was centered on the gospel and reaching out to help others, I found peace, even when going through my difficult times. I also found … Continue reading

Spiritual Check Up

Every year we should go in and have an annual check up. The doctor checks us over to make sure everything is still working. Similarly we go to the dentist on a regular basis for a check up to make sure that we are not developing any cavities and to prevent tooth decay and other common problems. But when was the last time that you had a spiritual check up. Our testimonies do need to be nourished each and every day. It is important to take care of our spiritual help, just as it is important to take care of … Continue reading

Preparing for Our Spiritual Droughts

The area in which I currently live has been experiencing a severe drought for several months. The supply of drinking water reached dangerously low levels, though things are beginning to look up due to recent rainfall. However, I grew up in Utah, which is basically a desert, and so when they would say we were in drought conditions and I looked outside and saw green grass that was not watered, I scoffed. How could we be in a drought when the grass is naturally green? Recently the news and politicians have been talking about a mismanagement of the resources. They … Continue reading

Postpartum Depression and Temple Worship

Don’t start worrying, but I’ll go ahead and confess that I have struggled with postpartum depression to some degree with the birth of all four of my children – including the one I just had. A recent trip to the temple helped me put things in perspective, and I’d like to elaborate a little on why I encourage anyone struggling with any form of depression to attend as often as possible. Of course, we all know that we should be visiting the temple as frequently as circumstances will allow. Most of the time, when we think of the temple, we … Continue reading

Coasting In Life

You go to church, you read the Bible a few years ago, you are generally a good person and most importantly you have asked Jesus to be Lord of your life. Now it’s smooth sailing, except you can’t help but feel something’s missing… While I was in church one Sunday, our pastor said something that really stuck with me. He said, “When coasting in life, you are always going down hill.” He continued by reminding us we need God’s help to go up. Indeed, heaven is up, not down. You would not eat one good meal and suggest you never … Continue reading