A Unique Way to Make Friends

It’s funny how one things often triggers another. I’ve just posted my first post recently on the home blog about gardens and it made me think of a couple I used to know. This couple had a prolific vegetable garden. They grew far more than what they needed. They did that for a reason. Why? They then used the produce from the garden to give to neighbors. This couple didn’t want to stay unconnected to their neighbors, so they made a visit to the neighbors taking some of the excess vegetables. As a result, over time, they built up a … Continue reading

Share Your Testimony

How often do you share your testimony? I think it is easy to think of only sharing your testimony when you stand up during a testimony meeting or at the end of a lesson that you are teaching. It is important to bear your testimony during these times, but it is also important that you share your testimony on a regular basis with those around you. Here are three ways that you can share your testimony of the Savior and the gospel with those around you. 1) One easy way to share your testimony is in the way that you … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Who Are the Elect?

As we discussed the blessings that the elect will receive during the Second Coming yesterday, I began to apply these scriptures to my life. I asked myself, how can I be sure that I am one of the elect who receive these blessings? Which led me to ask, just who are the elect? Since I like to do my research the quick and easy way, I turned to the Bible Dictionary. It defines election as “a theological term primarily denoting God’s choice of the house of Israel to be the covenant people with privileges and responsibilities, that they might be … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Bringing Friends to Christ

We have already studied much of the second chapter of Mark reviewed as part of lesson 7. However, as I read, I was touched by the role of the friends of the palsied man. Though they are rarely discussed, they seem like four men worthy of emulation. When Christ returned to Capernum, a multitude of people gathered in his home to hear Him preach and minister. Among those wishing to be included were four men bearing a palsied fifth on a litter. When they could not get through because of the crowd, they climbed on the roof and lowered their … Continue reading

Five Ways to Support the Missionaries

You may have served a mission yourself or you may joined the church recently and been taught by the missionaries. Missionary work is a very important part of the church. Nearly everyone knows someone who is on a mission. The people who decide to serve missions give eighteen months or two years of their lives in order to go and serve the Lord. It is important to support those you know who are missions. Here are five easy ways to support missionaries. 1) Write your missionaries. This is a great way to support your missionaries. If you are family you … Continue reading

Primary Time: Five Easy Topics for Talks

One great aspect of Primary is that each week a different child gets to give a talk. This is great because it allows children to become accustomed to public speaking at a young age. It is also fun just to hear the cute things that kids say. One difficult thing is to come up with ideas for your children to talk about. Here are five ideas for Primary talks. 1) The easiest topic is to simply choose the theme for sharing time that month. You can find a scripture story about the topic or you can share a personal or … Continue reading

Missionary Work in Utah

I have shared that I have made some friends recently who are not members of the church. This seems easy for me to do, lately. Sometimes, I feel like I’m surrounded by more non-members than I am members. But, like I’ve said before, I’ll take a friend no matter which way they come, LDS or not. My husband recently went to a stake priesthood leadership meeting. In that meeting, they were told that there are roughly 10,000 members of the church living in our stake. Of that 10,000 there are roughly 3,000 on the rolls, and only about 1,700 that … Continue reading

A Mistake in my Youth

In Sunday school this past week, I shared a story that was a little embarrassing, but did pertain to the lesson. The teacher asked if any of us had ever had a time when we wished that we were not who we were, or if there was a time when we didn’t want to make it known that we were LDS. I immediately thought of a story from my teenage years. As a teenager, living in Texas, I was usually very proud of who I was. All of my friends were non-mormon, and frequently asked me questions about my religion. … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Music and Dancing

Ahh, the memories of stake youth dances and the Book of Mormon distance between partners. Most of the time I didn’t have a particular boy I liked, so these dances were most often a time to go with my group of friends and have fun being silly and wearing funny clothes just for kicks. A bit nerdy, perhaps, but good clean fun. The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet encourages youth (and adults alike) to choose good music and dancing for entertainment and to help you become closer to the Lord. Music is a fabulous way to share how you … Continue reading

What if My Children’s Other Parent Won’t Take Them to Church on Easter?

Co-parenting is not always easy. It is inevitable that you and your ex will have varying opinions on a variety of issues, from discipline to education to religion. However, religious differences can really come to a head around holidays, such as Easter, when one parent feels that it is important the children attend a religious service, while the other parent does not. If your children will be spending Easter with a parent who does not share your views on the importance of attending church on this sacred day, there are some things you can do to take action. First, try … Continue reading