What Are Disney Alliances?

Note the outside corporate sponsorship listed on the sign Browsing through my Facebook one day I saw an advertisement on the side, for the official Disney Alliance Facebook page. I’ll let the Facebook page speak for itself, pulling its description from under the “About” heading: “Welcome to the official Facebook Page of Disney Corporate Alliances! Learn about the latest news, promotions, and experiences our Alliance Partners help create across Disney Parks and The Walt Disney Company.” Basically, Disney Alliances, and all of its related websites (though so far that just seems to be Facebook and Twitter), are just there to … Continue reading

FHE with Small Children-Strengthening our Family

I love when simple family home evenings make the best ones. That is my goal by sharing this FHE with Small Children series as often as possible. This past Monday night, we had a family home evening where my kids really listened, the lesson was short, and everyone got to participate. We started out talking about our own family. I asked my kids the following questions: Who is in our family? Do you think we have a happy family? Do we want to make our family stronger? I then told them about The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Since … Continue reading

Post-Christmas Shopping Tips

I haven’t even finished clearing the sea of ripped holiday wrapping paper from the living room floor and I’m already being flooded with post-Christmas sale reminders. My email inbox is filled with alerts heralding major day after Christmas deals. Macy’s sent me a link to a WOW! Pass, which allows me to take $10 off my purchase of $25 or more. JCPenney is offering the same deal, while Old Navy is selling women’s jeans for just $15 all-day tomorrow. In addition to the after-Christmas discounts, retailers are poised for an onslaught of shoppers looking to redeem gift cards they’ve collected … Continue reading

An Opportunity to Show Love at Christmas

One day a couple of weeks ago, I had just about had it with my kids. There was one fight to break up after another. When things had degenerated into name calling (although I had to admit that it was hard not to laugh when one of my sons called the other “Mr. Stinky Head Romans) I knew it was time to take some serious action. I called the kids together and told them that I had an idea that I needed their help with. I wanted to create a crib for the Baby Jesus that was soft and warm, … Continue reading

Helpful Hints to Help Kids with ADHD at Christmastime

The closer we get to Christmas, the more excited most children will become. Parents of children who have ADHD need to be able to separate the myths about this disorder from the facts. There are certain things you can do to help your child cope with the holidays. There are some myths about ADHD that your relatives may mistakingly think are facts. December is a month that typically involves lots of family gatherings. Parents of kids who have ADHD might want to be prepared to gently educate their relatives about their misconceptions about this disorder. Studies show that there is … Continue reading

Making Fall Memories

As a single mom I’m always trying to find fun things to do with my daughter on a very limited budget. Fall is the perfect time to get outside. Nature walks are fun and educational. Let your little ones collect leaves and pine cones and other things they find. When you get home you can research the leaves on the internet and find out what kind of leaves they are and find some fun facts about that type of tree. Once you are finished learning all you can about your find let the kids make a collage with the treasures … Continue reading

Merry Christmas

It’s Christmas! I hope that you are all gathered around with family and friends celebrating the occasion. It’s my favorite holiday and this year I have two children to celebrate with. Two years ago, I found out that my daughter has cystic fibrosis. That didn’t leave me in the mood to celebrate and quite frankly, the thought of it still makes me too angry and sad to even think about having fun. However, while I hate that she has CF, there are positives to everything and a reason for why everything that happens in our lives happens. So I try … Continue reading

Can We See the Christ?

This month’s message from the First Presidency is one that is good for us all to be reminded of. Especially at Christmas. It is a talk titled, Can We See the Christ? by Elder Uchtdorf. It speaks of remembering Christ at this very busy, hectic time of year. One thing that he mentioned in this talk that spoke to me, was how when the Christ child was born, how many people were so close to him, but did not know it? Can you imagine? Living close to where the Savior was born, and missing the whole thing? It is the … Continue reading

The Christmas Spending Panic

It happened to me this weekend. We were in a toy store looking for one particular gift, and I could feel the tension rising. All around me, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles were all grabbing up gifts left and right. An item that my daughter admired was no longer on the shelf when I returned to the store 30 minutes later. Neither was the other two copies of it. It was late in a long day and I was tired. I grabbed up a couple of extra things for the kids in case they weren’t there later and headed to … Continue reading

Does Your Family Have Christmas Heirlooms?

Christmas involves a lot of “stuff”. There are Christmas ornaments, which seem to multiply every year. There are stockings, cards, and special wrapping paper. There are gifts to be given, and some of them might have been handmade by your grandmother. These heirlooms are a physical representation of family stories and family history, and are of special importance to a genealogist. I have several Christmas ornaments that were handmade by my grandmother. I remember watching her make some of them. There are angels made out of some kind of white, braided, craft rope, which was unraveled to make the skirts. … Continue reading