What Did Our Ancestors Eat?

We would like to think that we have evolved considerably since our earliest ancestors roamed the earth. However, as different as we are from those ancestors that lived so long ago there is some debate about whether our bodies have adapted to the foods that are available to us in modern society or whether we would fare better if we ate a diet that more closely resembled that of our early ancestors. Proponents of the Paleolithic Diet (commonly referred to as the Paleo Diet) believe that our bodies have not yet adapted to modern foods and can not utilize them … Continue reading

Activity Days-Budgeting Activity

Yesterday we had a great activity all about budgeting for the girls. I was afraid this activity was going to be boring, but they actually loved it. And, it helped them get something passed off in their Faith in God award, so that always makes a leader feel good! I started by having the girls pretend for a moment that they all just graduated from high school, and shared an apartment together. I only have 4 girls, but you could divide up into smaller groups if you have more girls. I told them they made minimum wage, working a part … Continue reading

Activity Days- Journal Jars

Yesterday we had a great activity. The girls loved it, it was a calm, quiet activity (which I love!) and we sat around the table and just talked while we worked. In the January 2011 Friend this month, they had a highlight about an activity day group in Massachusetts. It was titled, “Little Women from Massachusetts”. These girls had the chance to visit the home of Louisa May Alcott, and learn about keeping journals. This is a great lesson for any youth to learn at a young age. During this activity, they made journal jars. So, that is what we … Continue reading

Activity Days Activity- Laundry 101

One of my dreaded chores growing up was folding the laundry. I don’t know why, but in a family of 6 people, this was not a fun task. To this day, I have to say I hate doing laundry. I’m lazy and wait and do it all in one day. My husband seems to think that it would be better if I would do a little every day, but that sounds even more dreadful to me. I didn’t really learn much about laundry until I lived on my own. I’m sure my Mom tried to teach me, but I didn’t … Continue reading

Activity Days- Christmas Activity

This past week we did a Christmas Activity that my girls really loved! It was a little messy, but a lot of fun. I am in charge of our Ward Christmas Party this year, and as part of our party, we are going caroling in our neighborhood as a ward. We wanted something to hand out to the people that we carol to in order to reach out to the many non-members in our neighborhood. So, I thought of Christmas ornaments. Now, Christmas Ornaments are expensive. And, not very personal. So, my idea was to buy clear Christmas ornaments from … Continue reading

Activity Days-Thanksgiving Activity

Today is our activity for Activity Days. I had to make it about Thanksgiving since it is only a week away. I decided to go with both cooking and a craft! I hope I don’t regret fitting too much into one activity, but since I am lucky and get to have activities at my house, I can do crazy stuff like that! I decided that I wanted to help the girls learn the importance of gratitude. So, we are making thanksgiving cards. One of the cards says, “Grateful” on the front. Another says, “Thankful for….” and then you open it … Continue reading

Activity Days-Health and Nutrition Activity

This past week we had a fun activity that the girls really loved. One of the things we talked about is taking care of our bodies. We focused on how the Faith in God manual says that they will not put anything harmful into their bodies. I decided that I would help the girls learn more about reading food labels. This is something that I did not learn how to do until I was an adult. So, I figured it would be a great tool for them to use throughout their lives. Many adults still do not look at food … Continue reading

Nutrition Made Easy

Are you at a loss as to how you should be eating healthy? The new food pyramid website can show you how. At http://www.mypyramid.gov/ you can learn about anything pertaining to healthy eating. This website will let you know what you should weigh, what you should be eating and how much you should be eating. You can track your weight and activity on My Pyramid as well. At My Pyramid you will be taken inside the pyramid to discover what food groups and how much of each are recommended. There are tips and resources available to answer any of your … Continue reading

Code Pink Boot Camp

Code Pink Boot Camp is a fitness camp just for women that specialize in working with you to meet your needs and accommodate your schedule. With locations in Arizona, Hawaii and California, Code Pink Boot Camp is one hour in length for five days a week for 4 weeks. There is also an additional choice of three days a pick with your choice of which three days you would like to attend. Classes run in the early morning, the late morning or evening. Approximate cost per day is $15. Fitness classes will include Pilates, yoga, cardio workouts, ab workouts, strength … Continue reading

NFL Superstars Encourage Kids to Get Moving

Washington Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall made a confession before lawmakers this week: His own kids could use more exercise. The NFL star, who volunteered to promote children’s fitness legislation, admitted that like many kids their age, his sons play way too many video games and eat way too much fast food. Hall, who called childhood obesity an epidemic, is one of seven NFL players devoting their off-season to lobby lawmakers to pass the FIT Kids Act. The bill would require schools, districts and states to report on students’ physical activity, and to give children and their parents, access to important … Continue reading