Mormons and Politics

I have to admit that on this election day, I could hardly think of anything to write about that did not directly relate to politics. While the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints maintains political neutrality, politics are still a very hot topic among LDS members. And, I have to say that I have been ashamed by some of the comments I have seen by LDS members of the church opposing other parties. Politics and Religion are two things that do not go hand in hand very easily. However, I have felt that during this election year, I have … Continue reading

Your Typical American Mormon Family

So, I was watching the Today show this morning and there was a lot of focus on Mitt Romney and the Republican Convention. Big surprise there, I know. The story also included the subject of MItt Romney’s faith because apparently he is going to speak about it in his speech tomorrow night. So, once again, Mormonism is in the spotlight. But, one thing that surprised me was that they said that most people don’t know a lot about our faith. And, I thought, really? Sure, maybe you don’t know a lot about specific theology, like the fact that we do … Continue reading

What I Believe-The Bible and The Book of Mormon

Many times, it is unfairly stated that Mormons do not believe in the Bible. How wrong that is! We do believe in the Bible. We use the King James Version of the Bible because we believe it is the version that is translated most accurately. We believe it was written by prophets of God and we believe in both the Old and New Testaments. We use them regularly in our church services, and we are encouraged to read the Bible regularly. We also believe that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. We do not look at the … Continue reading

A Mormon for President?

Well, now that Mitt Romney has announced his official run for the republican nomination for president, there are going to be a lot of questions about Mormons and about whether or not a Mormon for president is a good idea. Is it? Well, I say, why not. But, that doesn’t mean I’m jumping on the political bandwagon just yet. Many Mormons will vote for Romney for the simple fact that he is an active, practicing Mormon. And, while that does comfort me to a point, it is not all that I will consider when choosing who to vote for. After … Continue reading

RS/EQ: The Book of Mormon – Keystone of Our Religion

Lesson #4 in the Joseph Smith manual for this year’s course of study is entitled, “The Book of Mormon: Keystone of Our Religion.” Three years after beholding the Father and the Son in the Sacred Grove, Joseph Smith was treated to another heavenly visitation, this time in his own bedroom from the Angel Moroni, who told him the location of the buried gold plates. When Joseph went to the place described on a nearby hill called Cumorah, he found the plates and was told by the angel that it was not time to take them. Every year for the next … Continue reading

President Hinckley Challenge

I’m a bit of an e-mail junkie, but I don’t generally do a lot of forwards or participate in chain e-mails and things of that nature. However, today I got an e-mail that touched me, and I jumped right on the bandwagon. With the recent passing of our beloved prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley, many of us are taking the time to ponder his life, his messages, the impact he had on us, and the legacy he left. He is remembered for temples, for his positive media interaction, for his forward thinking. He brought about the Conference Center, which has a … Continue reading

Relief Society Presidents: Louise Y. Robison

Although March was the birthday month, these didn’t get posted. Since I know you are just aching to read all about these remarkable women, I decided to go ahead and share them in April! I hope you enjoy! Called to lead the Relief Society during the depression years, Louise Yates Robison did not seem to be the ideal candidate. Shy and self-effacing, it was difficult for her to go into her son’s office building to pick him up from work. Yet, with the Lord’s help, she was able to overcome this fear and lead the Relief Society for eleven years. … Continue reading

Relief Society Presidents: Emmeline Wells

When she was called to serve as the fifth president for the Relief Society at the age of 82, she was the oldest woman to serve in that position. She had personally known all four of the previous Relief Society presidents, and was the last president with a personal knowledge of the Prophet Joseph Smith. From leading the women’s suffrage movement to editing the second women’s magazine in the nation, her life was devoted to women. Born in Massachusetts on leap year day – February 29, 1828 – Emmeline later attributed her vigor to the fact that she only aged … Continue reading

Relief Society Presidents: Zina D. H. Young

Zina Diantha Huntington wondered in her youth why she could not have been born in mor exciting times. Ironically, only a year before her birth, Joseph Smith had received the First Vision, and while she was a child, the Book of Mormon was translated less than a hundred miles away. Born January 21, 1821 in Watertown, New York, Zina was the seventh of nine children born to William and Zina Baker Huntington. At one point, her father spent days studying the scriptures in an effort to choose sides in a controversy between the Presbyterians and the Congregationalists. He decided that … Continue reading

Ten Ways to Know You’ll Never Be Relief Society President

It’s March, the month of the Relief Society birthday! We’re examining the history of several Relief Society presidents. You don’t have to be called to the position to know that this is a time and energy-intensive calling, even on a branch or ward level. Hats off to all of our sisters who serve so diligently and with so much love! Still, there are some callings that you just know you won’t be suitable. Here are ten ways that you can know the Bishop will never call you as the Relief Society President. 1. You take a cup of coffee with … Continue reading